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Viral Intelligence

Published on October 8, 2014

The CDC thinks that American hospitals are prepared to handle Ebola. RNs beg to differ. Nurses, the frontline care providers in U.S. hospitals, say they are untrained and unprepared to handle patients arriving in their hospital emergency departments infected with Ebola. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has repeatedly said that U.S. hospitals are prepared to handle such patients.

However, they grossly mishandled their first case. They got the diagnosis wrong and sent the patient home. “The Texas case is a perfect example,” said Micker Samios, a triage nurse in the emergency department at Medstar Washington Hospital Center, the largest hospital in the nation’s capital. “In addition to not being prepared, there was a flaw in diagnostics as well as communication,” Samios said. Partially because of the mistaken diagnosis the number of “contact traces” for the man diagnosed with Ebola in Dallas has risen to 100, officials say.

The story of this first American case of Ebola is a health fiasco and should give everyone warning about what to expect. This Ebola patient was vomiting in the ambulance, at least five children were exposed from 4 different schools and he took at least 3 flights to get from Liberia to Dallas. Hundreds of passengers were exposed to Mr. Duncan.

CDC Director Dr. Thomas Frieden has said U.S. hospitals are well prepared to handle Ebola patients and has assured the public that the virus should not pose the same threat in the United States as it does in Africa. The first Ebola case has been diagnosed in the United States, but the top health official said there is “no doubt… we will stop it here.” Frieden is confident there would not be an Ebola outbreak in the U.S. but who is he except a man who sits on top of one of the most untrustworthy organizations in the world?

According to the CDCs own website, “Is there a danger of Ebola spreading in the U.S.? Ebola is not spread through casual contact; therefore, the risk of an outbreak in the U.S. is very low. We know how to stop Ebola’s further spread: thorough case finding, isolation of ill people, contacting people exposed to the ill person, and further isolation of contacts if they develop symptoms.” There is nothing about medicine in this statement, no arresting the disease through treatment because they have nothing of consequence to offer Ebola patients.

People are freaking out about Ebola but the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is also concerned about the common flu. Last Thursday, the agency began seeking sources for “Medical Countermeasures for Pandemic Influenza Preparedness and Response.” HHS has noted that the “public is at risk for a severe influenza pandemic,” and that such a pandemic could cost 60 million lives or more around the globe.

Why would they increase their estimates for so many deaths? We have no reports that the influenza virus has mutated to something vastly more dangerous. Is something happening in terms of public health that is going unreported, like increased radiation contamination from Fukushima? Death from influenza is a quick and surprising way of dying. Increasing nutritional deficiencies and increasing toxic exposures from chemicals, heavy metals and radiation is an ongoing accumulative process that no doubt is more responsible for influenza deaths than the virus itself.

Imagine 60 million people dying of the flu all because modern medicine has its head stuck in the sand in terms of treatment options. Mothers, armed with real medical knowledge on viruses are better off treating at home. Just this morning it was reported on television that a 4 year old boy died this morning from a virus. He came down with conjunctivitis or what is otherwise known as pink eye and died.

Doctors do not know how to treat viral infections and they admit this fully when it comes to Ebola. You would think they would know, it is the 21st century after all, but in reality they do not want to know. Doctors and medical officials as well as professors of medicine compete to demonstrate their lack of intelligence when dealing with viral infections. Unfortunately doctors are taught in medical school how not to think like doctors but to act more like pharmaceutical salesmen.

If you get the flu or Ebola, and want to live, the last thing in the world you should think of doing is going to a hospital. In fact the hospital at the epicenter of fear in Dallas acknowledged that some patients were staying away. Not everyone is as gullible as medical authorities would like them to be. It is the official position that they have no real treatment for Ebola yet they are predicting in the States that the average cost of treating an Ebola victim will be 500,000 dollars or 1,000 dollars an hour. All of this cost yet no approved cure!

Thomas Eric Duncan, the Dallas Ebola patient, is on a ventilator, has been given an experimental medicine, is receiving kidney dialysis. His treatment includes fluids replacement, blood transfusions and drugs to maintain blood pressure. There’s also the cost of security, disposing of Ebola-contaminated trash and equipment to protect caregivers. The bill may eventually total $500,000 including indirect costs such as the disruption to other areas of hospital care.

Medical personnel carry a Spanish nurse who contracted the Ebola virus into an ambulance at Madrid's Alcorcon Hospital on Tuesday.

Medical personnel carry a Spanish nurse who contracted the Ebola virus into
an ambulance at Madrid’s Alcorcon Hospital on Tuesday. Andres Kudacki/AP

Three more people were put under quarantine for possible Ebola at a Madrid hospital where a Spanish nursing assistant became infected. More than 50 others were being monitored as experts tried to figure out why Spain’s anti-infection practices failed. Western medicine is failing in general to arrest both acute and chronic diseases. In terms of addressing Ebola we see the systems failings in full display.

Handling medical waste generated by Ebola patients proved to be one of the contingencies that U.S. hospitals were unprepared, a top U.S. health official said. Four members of a family with whom the first U.S. Ebola patient was staying were confined to their Dallas home under armed guard as the circle of people possibly exposed to the virus widened. Texas Health Commissioner David Lakey said the three-week confinement order would help ensure the family can be closely monitored, including checking them for fevers over the next three weeks. The family will not be allowed to receive visitors, officials said.

The ambulance personnel, who transported this first Ebola patient, who vomited in the ambulance, have been taken out of action being quarantined for the next 21 days. All of this costs society and weighs heavily on the healthcare system of any country. Where is all the money going to come from when there is no money except that which is borrowed?

Dr. Gil Mobley, an MD in Missouri, is convinced that Ebola will soon be infecting people all over the globe. “For months, doctors in my community — since we had a meeting six weeks ago — have been convinced that the United States will be importing clusters regularly. Right now, on the continent of West Africa, there are a million people in isolation, in quarantine, because of Ebola, and ten thousand passengers leave West Africa every single day. It’s just a matter of time before this disease is carried to every corner of the world.” He insists the CDC is underplaying the threat posed by the disease and is intentionally misleading the public. “They said the chance of importing a cluster — just two weeks ago — was extremely small, yet we knew that it was a sure thing. And the very same day that the President echoed Director Tom Frieden’s sentiment at the CDC that it’s very small, that very same day, they made the misdiagnoses in Dallas and sent this infectious guy home to infect these other people.” “That disease is going to consume every third world country on the planet, and then we will be importing these clusters on a regular basis.

I wrote Treating Ebola and other Infectious Diseases to get information out to the public on how best to protect against and treat these threats that are promising to come down hard on us and our families.

Buy the Treating Ebola and other Infectious Diseases eBook!

This information is crucial and might even land me up in big trouble if and when they declare a national health emergency and declare martial law in the United States, which allows them in such instances to shut down web sites that carry information that conflicts with the lockstep medical thinking of the CDC.

Ebola Comes at a Bad Time – Is ISIS to Attack US with Ebola?

Rob Kirby says, “Something is going to break and crash the financial system, cause WWIII or both.” A breakdown of the financial system will break the back of contemporary medicine, which in the United States at least costs trillions to function. It is a rough moment in human history and the intelligent parent will be very concerned on how to protect their families from the diseases that are promising to come down like a sledgehammer on many millions of people. 

We have barbarians loose on the planet and they, like the western elite, have no qualms about reducing populations. Reports are claiming that Islamic State militants are conspiring to infect jihadists with Ebola and send them to America. "Followers and soldiers of the Islamic State are mostly suicide bombers and all of them are ready not only to carry Ebola, but to drink Ebola if they were asked to carry and spread it in the United States. The process of spreading disease is not difficult. It can easily be transported in a bottle in your bag from Africa to America. The contents of the bottle can then be released in an air-conditioning duct or put it in the public drinking water."

CBS46 News has confirmed that the Centers for Disease Control has issued guidelines to U.S. funeral homes on how to handle the remains of Ebola patients. If the outbreak of the potentially deadly virus is in West Africa, why are funeral homes in America being given guidelines? The three-page list of recommendations include instructing funeral workers to wear protective equipment when dealing with the remains since Ebola can be transmitted in postmortem care. It also instructs to avoid autopsies and embalming.

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Dr. Mark Sircus AC., OMD, DM (P)

Professor of Natural Oncology, Da Vinci Institute of Holistic Medicine
Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine
Founder of Natural Allopathic Medicine

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