The truth is that there is no one cause of cancer. There is a multiplicity of causes acting simultaneously through the years that leads up to each person’s cancer. That means there is no single demon that we can blame our cancer on. As you go through the below list of causes try to pick what you think are the principle causes in your case. In general most cancer patients will be suffering from multiple causes. Each cause suggests an intelligent treatment to address the specific cause.
It is important to understand from the start that oncologists want patients to think that cancer is spontaneous. That it is something that happens without a cause. The cancer industry plays a vicious mind game with cancer patients and their families. What they say dis-empowers patients and leaves them vulnerable to their doctors and their treatments. Ask any physicist if we live in a cause and effect universe. However, oncologists and all medical associations and governmental institutions prefer to live somewhere else.
Though the line between causes and fundamental characteristics of cancer is blurry the below division in listing 4 main characteristics and 21 basic causes will give you and idea of the territory we need to cover in cancer.
There is a lot for us to learn about the causes of cancer but the most basic cause, the one that the other fundamental causes cause, is low oxygen delivery to the cells. “Low oxygen levels in cells is the primary cause of uncontrollable tumor growth in most cancers,” according to Dr. Ying Xu at the University of Georgia. The findings of his study run counter to widely accepted beliefs that genetic mutations are responsible for cancer growth. “If hypoxia, or low oxygen levels in cells, is proven to be a key driver of certain types of cancer, treatment plans for curing the malignant growth could change in significant ways,” said Dr. Xu.
The 21 Causes of Cancer
1. Nutritional Stress as a Cause of Cancer
2. Emotional Stress as a Cause of Cancer
3. Toxic Chemicals and Heavy Metals Cause of Cancer
4. Physical Stress, Lack of Physical Exercise and Fast Breathing as Causes of Cancer
5. Free Radicals and Oxidative Stress as Causes of Cancer
6. Radiation, Genes and DNA Mutations as a Cause of Cancer
7. Infections as a Cause of Cancer
8. Doctors and Chemotherapy as a Cause of Cancer
9. Light Deficiency as a Cause of Cancer
10. Low Body Temperature and Weakened Immune System as a Cause of Cancer
11. Deficiency of Carbon Dioxide as a Cause of Cancer
12. Dehydration as a Cause of Cancer
13. Vitamin D Deficiency as a Cause of Cancer
14. Medical Tests as a Cause of Cancer
15. Mineral Deficiencies as a Cause of Cancer
16. Lack of Detoxification and Chelation as a Cause of Cancer
17. Diabetes and Mercury as a Cause of Cancer
18. Special Case of Fungus/Antibiotics as a Cause of Cancer
19. The Special Case of Magnesium Deficiency as a Cause of Cancer
20. Obesity as a Cause of Cancer
21. Modern Dentistry as a Cause of Cancer
The Difficulty with Understanding and Establishing Causes of Cancer
It is easy to confuse basic causes and fundamental characteristics of cancer like low oxygen, mitochondrial disruption and inflammation, which can also be thought of as causes. Some think that infections, that commonly cause cancer, specifically fungal and yeast infections, actually become the cancer. However, no matter what the combination of causes that lead up to a person having cancer their are universal characteristics that all cancer cells share.
An overview of cancer’s characteristics tells us that cancer involves inflammation, acid pH, low oxygen conditions accompanied by low CO2 levels, angiogenesis, lower core body temperatures as well as nutritional deficiencies and high levels of tissue and cellular toxicity with heavy metals and chemicals. Many of these factors effect down to the nuclear level compromising the DNA code that keep cells functioning normally.
To understand cancer we need to learn to think in many dimensions/factors that cause cancer at the same time because what we are dealing with are simultaneous causes. Fortunately it is not as complicated as it sounds. Conquering Cancer puts it all together to create a simplified understanding and thus put together a unified protocol to treat many of these causes simultaneously.
Understanding causes helps us select treatments that are appropriate for ourselves and our loved ones. Oncologists, who obsess with genetics, miss out on the multiple causes of cancer. Our genetics are involved; but usually it is other causes and disturbances in us and in the cytoplasm of our cells that reach down into the nucleus to wreck damaging changes. That is unless one is using harmful radiation for diagnostic tests or hanging out near nuclear reactors or following the advice of an oncologist and subject oneself to near fatal dosages of radiation to treat your cancer.
Oncologists still continue to insist cancer is a genetic disease, which blinds them to one of the great truths of modern day life—that we are all being poisoned—that this causes oxygen starvation/hypoxia in the cells. Toxicity and low oxygen conditions are primary causes of cancer. However, they are not the only causes of cancer though they are the usual common denominators present in most cancer patients.
“Specific causation” for cancer can almost never be proved, writes professor Richard G Stevens from the University of Connecticut. “Heavy smoking greatly increases risk of lung cancer, but it is impossible to prove that an individual smoker’s lung cancer was due to smoking, since even lifelong non-smokers sometimes get lung cancer.” he said. “There is no reliable laboratory test to identify the specific cause of an individual cancer.”
The fact that Roundup is “probably carcinogenic” does not mean it caused the cancer of the people who have sued Monsanto/Bayer but judges and juries have been siding with patients not with the monstrous company even though in 2017 the European Food Safety Authority also assessed glyphosate and said that actual exposure levels did not present a public health risk. The FDA continues to insist Roundup is safe, but they think that about most toxic substances, which most pharmaceuticals are.
There is a multitude of organizations that participate in the poisoning of our planet. Principle among them are pharmaceutical companies and in truth, the entire medical industrial complex is complicit. The government has been in bed with big business since forever. The EPA has allowed more than 16,000 chemicals to be registered for use without proper scientific research to determine their effects on the world around us, and our own health.
There are complications to cancer that are hard to isolate and include in one category of causes. Estrogen driven cancer is one of them;