And that’s not the half of it. The new official report says that six in 10 Americans — about 175 million people — are living in places where air pollution often reaches dangerous levels, despite progress in reducing particle pollution, the American Lung Association said in a report released at the end of April 2010. It’s not even a quarter of it because the Lung report does not take into consideration the toxic nightmare of mercury pollution.
Mercury, along with lead and fluoride all have intelligence diminishing effects.
The two biggest air pollution threats are ozone and particle pollution, the Lung Association said. Others include carbon monoxide, lead, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide and a variety of toxic substances goes the Associated Press report on the Lung Association information. Missing the fifty plus tons of mercury that are put into the air each year by coal fired electrical plants and large tonnages from other sources. When you think about how much water or land we pollute with just one gram you can start to comprehend the size of the threat that has gone on year after year.
The California Air Resources Board meanwhile has tripled its estimates of premature deaths in California from particle pollution to 18,000 a year, the report said. Freeways remain high-risk areas for everyone, the study said, increasing the risk of heart attack, allergies, premature births and infant deaths.
Meanwhile Beijing persuaded the World Bank to cut from a report findings that pollution causes about 750,000 premature deaths in China each year, the Financial Times reported saying that “The World Bank was told that it could not publish this information. It was too sensitive and could cause social unrest,” one unnamed adviser told the Financial Times.
Cut from the report were findings that air pollution levels in Chinese cities cause 350,000 to 400,000 premature deaths each year, the newspaper said. Another 300,000 people die from exposure to poor air indoors, and more than 60,000 die due to poor quality water, it said.
To get a bird’s eye view of the hurricanes of toxicity we face on the parts per billion and million level it is helpful to know that air pollution in major cities is now being seen as dangerous to health as radiation exposure suffered by survivors of the 1986 Chernobyl disaster. A recent study suggests high levels of urban air pollution cut short life expectancy more than the radiation exposure of emergency workers who were sent into the 19-mile exclusion zone around Chernobyl straight after the accident.
Women living in areas of high air pollution were at greater risk of heart disease and death, while children living within 500m of motorways suffered more permanent lung damage and lower life expectancy.
My initial ideas and the selection of the name Sanctuary for my project in the interior of Brazil was for water and forest preservation and as a survival center, should I need one, for my family to retreat to. We are going to have to witness a horror film happening in reality and many of us are already breathing it. All of us need to be especially aware and to take care of ourselves and our own families.
The problem is much worse than we think and that is because we are not thinking in terms of the truth of our realities.
What’s it worth to escape from a gas chamber with you and your loved ones in one piece? Being shoved into as gas chamber would you not give anything to get out? Virtually all city dwellers are sitting in the gas chambers breathing in poisonous gas. In some cities it is that bad.