Intolerant governments across the globe are “slowly crushing” activist and advocacy groups that play an essential role in the development of democracy, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said Saturday. She cited a broad range of countries where “the walls are closing in” on civic organizations such as unions, religious groups, rights advocates and other nongovernmental organizations that press for social change and shine a light on governments’ shortcomings. “Some of the countries engaging in these behaviors still claim to be democracies. We must be wary of the steel vise in which governments around the world are slowly crushing civil society and the human spirit,” she said. Social activists, Clinton said, are being harassed, censored, cut off from funding, arrested, prosecuted or killed.
Funny that she did not mention Canada whose police crushed a peaceful demonstration in Toronto when the recent G20 meeting was held. Secret new laws came to light, to the surprise of the legal community, which allowed the unapologetic police to do what they wanted to Canadian citizens. Security personnel are certainly not being nice in the Gulf, if one believes reports from people in some of the worst affected areas.
And when the United States government moves forward toward mandatory yearly flu vaccinations, what are they doing to the concept and reality of freedom? “A central principle of democracy is freedom of choice. We can choose our political party, our religion, and the food we eat, but this does not seem to be the case when it comes to our medical choices and our freedoms to make them. The recent unanimous 11-0 vote by the members of the Centers for Disease Control’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) favoring every American over the age of six months receive the flu influenza vaccine is one more attempt by our federal health officials to open up our bodies to the free market capitalism of pharmaceutical coffers. It is another step to mandate a vaccine across the nation, a policy that has many supporters in the pro-vaccine science community,” writes Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null.
What we are beginning to see in the news are the machinations of the elite class pushing their agenda as hard as they can in the present circumstances. Reality is only partially visible to the common man for so much is hidden or kept in the shadows of rumor, hearsay and conspiracy theory. But now, as end-of-times events (the oil volcano in the Gulf surely qualifies) come onto center stage – certain broad strokes of the elite pen become more visible. The vaccine obscenity is a direct rape of the vulnerability of human beings’ bodies and souls and this has created a hell on earth for those families who have suffered vaccine damage and death. In my upcoming book Humane Pediatrics I talk about this vulnerability and the Terror of Pediatric Medicine.
Freedom is in broad retreat across the globe but nowhere is it retreating as fast or as threateningly as in Canada and the United States. We could call these countries “fortresses of freedoms lost.” Their citizens believe in freedom and still feel like they have it but their governments and corporations feel otherwise as we all are about to find out. “Crushing” is a good word to describe the effect the United States government is having on the world and now soon on its own people.
And yes, freedom of the press is taking some hard hits. We now read that the government is restricting the media’s access to cleanup operations in order to keep images of oil-covered seabirds off the nation’s televisions. CNN reporter Anderson Cooper says, “A new law passed today, and backed by the force of law and the threat of fines and felony charges… [this law] will prevent reporters and photographers from getting anywhere close to booms and oil-soaked wildlife… By now you’re probably familiar with cleanup crews stiff-arming the media, private security blocking cameras, ordinary workers clamming up, some not even saying who they’re working for because they’re afraid of losing their jobs.”
“I live in Houston too and now when I am outside for a long enough time I feel a sick feeling unlike I have never felt before and I have lived here all of my life. I can’t imagine what it will be like in the next months or when a hurricane blows all of this poison more inland. It is time to wake up, people.” – Post left on one of my Sites
The news from the Gulf, like all the news, is shaped, censored and controlled by the government in order to prevent the public from learning the truth about what’s really happening. One of the things happening is that the government and the elite group behind it have their backs against the wall; they are caught in a web of lies that makes it impossible for the government to be truthful and thus helpful. How can a government who endorses as safe the universal injection of organic mercury into babies and adults be honest about anything when it comes to toxicity?
How can a government that wants to tax the idea of global warming come clean about global cooling and the threat to food availability and affordability. Just to give you an idea of what a June or July on the North American continent can be like as things continue to cool and get wetter at the same time: On July 1st Governor Chris Gregoire asked U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack to designate 29 counties in Washington as farm disaster areas due to weather-related losses. The damage was the result of extreme weather conditions throughout the spring, including severe cold, high winds and excessive rains. “Conditions this year have been difficult for our growers across Washington, from Clark County to Okanogan,” Gregoire said. “Cold temperatures have harmed our tree fruit crops, while excessive rain made it difficult for bees to pollinate strawberries and other berry crops. A declaration will help our businesses absorb a difficult year and look forward.”
Potato and alfalfacrops were severely damaged after a freezing wind swept through east Idaho in the middle of June. Temperatures dropped to as low as 28 degrees, freezing the crops within minutes. Sydney recorded its coldest June morning today since 1949, with temperatures diving to 4.3 degrees just before 6:00 am on the 30th of the month. Twelve million acres of Manitoba farmland in Canada are under water, ten million acres of Saskatchewan farmland are also under water, millions of acres more in Alberta are also under water. Food production from the Gulf is being closed down and that nutritional basket might be closed for several life times.
The world has always been and remains a highly dangerous place. But now hundreds of millions who have lived in comfort are going to be confronted with something that they are ill prepared for. It is stupid to think that military and other elite power groups don’t know and understand what is happening. We have ripped a hole in the world just at a time when nature is rising up against us with dramatic changes in climate. We have extremes in everything but heat, as the solar furnace in our solar system, takes a cyclic break in terms of sun spots and overall solar radiation. Add to that a financial system that is robbing the masses and on its way to a depression-type grave and we have something that people would want to run from if they could. That is, if they knew what was really happening, but the government cannot have that.
I believe that human beings aspire to freedom by their very nature but governments exist to steal, trample and abuse people’s freedoms and rights. It is difficult to believe in the universal value of democracy and the enormous benefits it can offer to people because the rich and powerful have taken the concept of democracy and made a mockery of it. Democracy is obviously not the best form of government for all nations; it certainly is a laughing matter in the United States unless you accuse the people themselves of lusting for endless war and the abuse of peoples around the globe. Sure, “the people” voted to give trillions to the banks out of their very own and children’s pockets.
Sooner or later we will come to our senses and fight for our freedom when enough of it has been stolen from us though fighting is not exactly going to get us anything but the boot from security forces. If the elite have their way we will have a freedom-less-age with even the elite losing their freedom to travel above ground or in an unspoiled, unpolluted destroyed world environment. Even now they are certainly not free to travel in anything but armored limousines and live behind guarded walled compounds. So what else is new? We always had castles!