Who will benefit from taking iodine? Actually, the answer is just about everyone will benefit from more iodine. Did you know that over 30% of the US has thyroid problems and that is probably a huge underestimate considering how iodine deficient the population is in the United States and around the world.
Chronic fatigue, low body temperature, weight gain, dry skin and hair, constipation, heavy menstrual periods, thin or hairless lateral eyebrows, depression, even bipolar disease (2/3 of all bipolar patients become normal with correction to normal thyroid activity)—all of these are symptoms of low thyroid activity.
The best method to diagnose the condition of your thyroid is not a blood test, but is to take your temperature. Just take your oral temperature a few times daily. If your temperature is not 98.6, but instead runs lower, then the latest thyroid research says that your thyroid needs treatment. Unfortunately, doctors often overlook low body temperature as a serious sign of disease.
Iodine is the agent, which arouses (kindles) and keeps going the
flame of life. With the aid of our thyroid, in which the iodine is
manifesting, it can either damp this flame or kindle it to a dissolute fire.
Scholz 1990.
Iodine is the primary treatment for thyroid conditions. It is as the coal shoveled into the engines of a might ship. Iodine lights the fire, not only of the thyroid, but also through the function of thyroid hormones, the fires of every cell in the body.
When the body does not have enough energy to function properly, many things begin to go wrong. For example, if the brain has too little energy, thought processes such as memory and focus become impaired. The body needs energy to keep itself warm – a low body temperature, therefore, usually accompanies low metabolic energy.
The primary symptoms of under-active thyroid functions include cold hands and feet (low body temperature), fatigue, underweight or overweight, constipation, fuzzy thinking, dry skin, low blood pressure, fluid retention, depression, and slow reflexes. When using high-dose iodine supplements then watch out for signs of over-active thyroid functions. These include anxiety, insomnia, rapid weight loss, diarrhea, high pulse rate, high blood pressure, sensitivity or bulging eye and vision disturbances.
Temperature is an indicator of the amount of heat contained in a system and our temperature is an extension of basic body metabolism. Heat is a form of energy and every reaction in a human body occurs at a certain energy or temperature level thus tracking with cell voltage and pH and oxygen levels.
The core body temperature of a human body is an important factor, which is always why it should be considered while evaluating the health condition in a checkup. Normal core temperatures are at the exact temperature at which all the functions of the human body can operate with optimal efficiency. The same can be said about pH because all physiological processes are pH sensitive. The same can be said about oxygen levels and thus the quality of our breathing, something we do correctly or not 24/7.
Normally the rectal temperature or vaginal temperature is considered as the core temperature. The ideal core temperature is considered to be around 98.6° Degree Fahrenheit or 37° degree Celsius. However, this temperature is an average body temperature because the overall normal temperature varies from a minimum of 97.7° Fahrenheit (36.5° Celsius) to a maximum of almost 99.5° Fahrenheit (37.5° Celsius). Any temperature above or below this range is abnormal. Actually, the best time and way of establishing one’s basal body temperature is to take it first thing in the morning before getting out of bed.
Dr. David Jernigan says, “Much emphasis in conventional medicine is usually placed upon feverish conditions; however, a low body temperature can be a much more sinister condition. Where a fever can be viewed as an active developmental and corrective process of the healthy body, a low body temperature can never be viewed as a normal or healthy condition, nor is it a mechanism for a learning or developmental process in the body. The colder a body becomes, the slower the electrical oscillatory rate and therefore the thicker, more viscous, or syrupy the body fluids become. The more viscous the fluids become the more difficult it is for the body to push the fluids through the body. The lymph fluids that are normally supposed to bathe the outsides of all of your cells become progressively stagnant as it is too thick to move efficiently.”
The colder we get the happier viruses, bacteria and fungus are. Cancer loves cold conditions and dies when things get too hot. The problem with clearing cancer cells, which are always occurring somewhere in the body, even under normal conditions, is that there is no effective immune response when we are too cold. In general, when we are iodine and thyroid deficient it is hard for the body to generate a fever so chronic infections go undetected and cancer goes forward until we are in a desperate condition.
Extreme cold is a dangerous situation that can bring on health emergencies in susceptible people. Cold is a known source of disease and death. Chinese medicine for thousands of years recognized cold as a principle cause of disease. Cold can be either an internal condition due to iodine deficiency and thyroid dysfunction or it can be exposure to cold. Either way it is important to understand and treat cold body conditions.
The easiest, safest and most effective way of treating most disease, including cancer, is to increase body temperature with infrared therapy and to supplement with plenty of iodine. Both are foundational treatments, which have profound ramifications for thyroid sufferers, patients with adrenal issues and even for people with restless leg syndrome. Doctors waste a lot of their time and patients money administering other treatments, which cannot work as long as core body temperature is not raised.
98,6° F is the ideal body temperature for optimal health. That temperature is the guarantor for good blood circulation and is the mainstay for vitality and strong immune system strength. Low temperatures between 94.1°- 96,8° F is common with most patients with chronic illnesses. It is not too difficult to deduct that a cold person is an ill person.
Cancer tumors grow faster when the body temperature is low. Germany’s bestselling author Uwe Karstädt new book 98,6° F – Ideal Body temperature for Optimal Health offers a wealth of knowledge and a cut through method of maintaining health or returning to it once we have succumbed to low body temperature and chronic disease. According to the author, low temperature is a plague of the 21st century.
“Coldness in the body is much more than a bothersome and inconvenient symptom. Coldness makes us sick. This coldness, which causes such enormous discomfort in the majority of my patients, is not a trivial matter. A sufficient body temperature is more than just a cozy and pleasant feeling. Proper body heat is one of the fundamental pillars of good health. Warmth within the body is like the sun for our life here on earth. 98.6° is an indication of vibrant health, strength and vitality. We are “hot,” full of glowing love when we reproduce; the Grim Reaper, however, takes our life from us with an icy hand. The summer of life is warm and vibrant while winter silences life, burying it under snow and ice,” writes Karstädt.
When we look at the fact that lower body temperature decreases enzyme activity, we can appreciate how important it is medically speaking to maintain optimal body heat. “Give me fever and I can cure every disease,” said Hippocrates 2,500 years ago.
Raising the body temperature is synonymous with an increased immune response. Professor Abo from Japan confirmed a 40% improvement in the function of the immune system by raising the body temperature by only 1.8° Fahrenheit.
Besides iodine supplementation a Biomat offers one of the best treatment for cold conditions and is instrumental in treating cancer because of the increased immune response. One can spend a hundred thousand dollars today for sophisticated toxic chemo drugs designed to increase immune system function or one can purchase a Biomat for between seven hundred and seventeen hundred dollars depending on the size.