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Magnesium is Basic to Cancer Treatment

Published on March 2, 2016

I recommend high intake of magnesium for many reasons, and it has appeared as the lead or most important component of my Natural Allopathic protocol until the appearance of molecular hydrogen, which now competes with it, in terms of importance and priority. In reality, they work together and amplify each other for immediate and often great medical effect.

Hospitals in China and Japan have recently discovered hydrogen and are already using it in their hospitals. Magnesium however, continues to be underutilized in medicine, even though it is the ultimate cardio medicine, crucial for diabetics and suffers of metabolic syndrome and essential for patients with cancer.

Magnesium is basic to cancer treatment and its avoidance. Several studies have shown an increased cancer rate in regions with low magnesium levels in soil and drinking water. In Egypt, the cancer rate was only about 10% of that in Europe and America. In the rural fellah, it was practically nonexistent. The main difference was an extremely high magnesium intake of 2.5-3 g in these cancer-free populations, ten times more than in most western countries.[1]

An inverse relationship between cancer prevalence and the magnesium content of water and of soil is reported in studies, starting more than 50 years ago. A Russian report showed that stomach cancer is four times more common in the Ukraine where the magnesium content of soil and drinking water is low, than it is in Armenia where the magnesium content is more than twice as high. A more recent morphologic and statistical analysis of neoplastic deaths in two Polish communities disclosed a nearly three-fold higher death rate in the community with Mg-poor soil than in the one with Mg-rich soil (10%).

Flooding the body with magnesium increases a person’s chance of surviving cancer and living a longer pain free life. When I say flood it behooves a cancer patient to simultaneously use different forms of magnesium and different forms of administration.

One can take magnesium orally; nebulize it into the lungs, and use transdermally through either direct application to the skin or in baths. Moreover, in emergency rooms and intensive care wards they give magnesium intravenously and by subcutaneous injection for cardiac arrest when all their pharmaceutical drugs fail.

One would use magnesium chloride in its purest form for many of these applications but there is also magnesium bicarbonate that is perfect to add to one’s water. Drinking high concentrated molecular hydrogen water part of the day and magnesium bicarbonate at other times would greatly boost cellular recovery, extend life, boost sports performance, reduce pain and do a host of heavy lifting in medical terms.

For oral use of magnesium to be used with hydrogen, I am recommending MYO-MAG as an advanced, formula that contains ingredients known to participate in the production of ATP in the body. It provides magnesium in the form of malate and diglycinate, as well as Vitamins B1, B2, and B6 (including coenzyme forms of these vitamins). One capsule contains 100 mg of magnesium and 300 mg of malic acid. In practice, I have used magnesium oil orally, which does wonders to move the intestines if one is constipated.

Magnesium baths using bath flakes, Epson salts or Dead Sea Salt (have received occasional reports about toxicity of materials coming from the Dead Sea) would greatly augment ones recovery and help usher cancer remissions, especially when used in conjunction with hyperthermia and other essential treatment components like sodium bicarbonate, iodine, selenium, oxygen, carbon dioxide, medical marijuana and super foods.

Researchers from Japan’s National Cancer Center in Tokyo have found that an increased intake of magnesium reduces a man’s risk of colon cancer by over 50 percent. Men with the highest average intakes of magnesium (at least 327 mg/d) were associated with a 52 percent lower risk of colon cancer, compared to men who consumed the lowest average intakes. Published in the Journal of Nutrition,[2] the research studied 87,117 people with an average age of 57 and followed them for about eight years. Dietary intakes were assessed using a food frequency questionnaire. Average intakes of magnesium for men and women were 284 and 279 milligrams per day.

My suggestion, especially for late stage cancer patients would be constant oral intake with magnesium in conjunction with daily magnesium massages and daily baths to pump in as much magnesium as possible. One does not have to worry about taking too much magnesium unless the kidneys, which functions to eliminate excess magnesium, are failing. When used with the hydrogen and instant acting bicarbonate one should expect to move some medical mountains.

Diabetics Will See Results

Many doctors today understand the relationship between cancer and diabetes so it should come as no surprise that the above suggestions would work for diabetic patients. In fact, a meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies by researchers at Stockholm’s Karolinska Institutet reported that for every 100-milligram increase in magnesium intake, the risk of developing type 2 diabetes decreased by 15 percent. One of the reason insulin is so important is that without insulin magnesium is not transported from our blood into our cells where it is most needed. It is a deadly loop. Low serum and intracellular magnesium concentrations are associated with insulin resistance, impaired glucose tolerance, and decreased insulin secretion.

In the U.S., combined annual costs for treating diabetes along with additional factors such as lost productivity amount to $174 billion, according to the American Heart Association. Heart experts worry that without better ways to prevent and treat diabetes, the disease threatens to reverse nearly a half-century of advances against cardiovascular disease, which remains the world’s leading killer. We can add hundreds of billions of dollars more to cover the costs of cancer.

Many years ago, I wrote Magnesium – The Ultimate Heart Medicine. We already have these better ways to prevent and treat diabetes but because doctors practice with blinders on we find that the majority of cardiologists and the American Heart Association have still not discovered what has been in plain sight for decades.

Magnesium is Fundamental

Magnesium stabilizes ATP,[4] allowing
 and RNA transcriptions and repairs.[5]

There is no substitute for magnesium in human physiology; nothing comes even close to it in terms of its effect on overall cell physiology. Without sufficient magnesium, the body accumulates toxins and acid residues, degenerates rapidly, and ages prematurely. It goes against a gale wind of medical science to ignore magnesium in the treatment of any chronic or acute disorder, especially cancer.

Magnesium repletion produced rapid
disappearance of periosteal tumors

Aleksandrowicz et al. in Poland conclude that inadequacy of magnesium and antioxidants are important risk factors in predisposing to leukemias.[7] Other researchers found that 46 percent of the patients admitted to an ICU in a tertiary cancer center presented hypomagnesemia. They concluded that the incidence of hypomagnesemia in critically ill cancer patients is high.[8] The primer antioxidant just happens to be molecular hydrogen, which can be administered in different ways.

Over 300 different enzymes systems rely upon magnesium
to facilitate their catalytic action, including ATP

metabolism, creatine-kinase activation, adenylate-cyclase,
and sodium-potassium

Dr. Andrzej Mazur has shown in experimentally induced magnesium deficiency in rats that after only a few days a clinical inflammatory syndrome develops and is characterized by leukocyte (white blood cell) and macrophage activation, release of inflammatory cytokines and excessive production of free radicals. “Magnesium deficiency induces a systemic stress response by activation of neuro endocrinological pathways. Magnesium deficiency contributes to an exaggerated response to immune stress and oxidative stress is the consequence of the inflammatory response,” writes Dr. Mazur. This gives us more than enough reason to always combine hydrogen with magnesium.

It is known that carcinogenesis induces magnesium distribution disturbances, causing magnesium mobilization through blood cells and magnesium depletion in non-neoplastic tissues. Magnesium deficiency seems to be carcinogenic, and in the case of solid tumors, a high level of supplemented magnesium inhibits carcinogenesis.[10] Both carcinogenesis and magnesium deficiency increase the plasma membrane permeability and fluidity. Scientists have in fact found out that there is much less Mg++ binding to membrane phospholipids of cancer cells than to normal cell membranes.[11]

It has been suggested that magnesium deficiency may trigger carcinogenesis by increasing membrane permeability.[12] The membranes of magnesium-deficient cells seem to have a smoother surface and decreased membrane viscosity than normal cells, analogous to changes in human leukemia cells.[13],[14] And we find that lead (Pb) salts are more leukemogenic when given to magnesium-deficient rats than when they are given to magnesium-adequate rats, suggesting that magnesium is protective.[15]

Magnesium has an effect on a variety of cell membranes
through a process involving calcium
 channels and ion transport
mechanisms. Magnesium is responsible for the maintenance
of the trans-membrane gradients of sodium and potassium


The latest information about cancer and its cause is that it is mostly environmental and external factors like smoking, drinking, diet, getting too much sun and exposure to toxic chemicals that cause cancer, rather than intrinsic factors like random cell mutations.

Magnesium deficiencies are hidden behind the word diet, which in todays civilized world is severely lacking in the mineral. All white foods are cancerous because the magnesium has been stripped out making them white. Even healthy foods do not have the nutritional content they used to so it is almost impossible to get enough magnesium even when eating right.

The involvement of free radicals in tissue injury induced by Mg deficiency causes an accumulation of oxidative products in heart, liver, kidney, skeletal muscle tissues and in red blood cells. Free radicals are the friction of life. Magnesium deficiency has been associated with production of reactive oxygen species, cytokines, and eicosanoids, as well as vascular compromise in vivo. Although magnesium deficiency induced, inflammatory change occurs during "chronic" magnesium deficiency in vivo, acute magnesium deficiency may also affect the vasculature and consequently, predispose endothelial cells (EC) to perturbations associated with chronic oxidative stress.[16]

[1] MAY 19, 1931, Dr. P. Schrumpf-Pierron presented a paper entitled “On the Cause Of the Rarity of Cancer in Egypt,” which was printed in the Bulletin of the Academy of Medicine, and the Bulletin of the French Association for the Study of Cancer in July, 1931.

[2]  “High dietary intake of magnesium may decrease risk of colorectal cancer in Japanese men” Volume 140, Pages 779-785 Authors: E. Ma, S. Sasazuki, M. Inoue, M. Iwasaki, N. Sawada, R. Takachi, S. Tsugane, Japan Public Health Center-based Prospective Study Group.

[3] Journal of Internal Medicine 2007, vol. 262, no2, pp. 208-214 [7 page(s) (article)] (34 ref.)

[4] Mg2+ is critical for all of the energetics of the cells because it is absolutely required that Mg2+ be bound (chelated) by ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the central high energy compound of the body. ATP without Mg2+ bound cannot create the energy normally used by specific enzymes of the body to make protein, DNA, RNA, transport sodium or potassium or calcium in and out of cells, nor to phosphorylate proteins in response to hormone signals, etc.

[6] Hunt, B.J., Belanger, L.F. Localized, multiform, sub-periosteal hyperplasia and generalized osteomyelosclerosis in magnesium-deficient rats. Calcif.Tiss.Res. 1972; 9:17-27.

[7]Aleksandrowicz, J., Blicharski, J., Dzigowska, A., Lisiewicz, J. Leuko- and oncogenesis in the light of studies on metabolism of magnesium and its turnover in biocenosis.Acta Med. Pol. 1970; 11:289-302. (abstr: Blood 1971; 37:245).

[8] D. Deheinzelin, E.M. Negri1, M.R. Tucci, M.Z. Salem1, V.M. da Cruz1, R.M. Oliveira, I.N. Nishimoto and C. Hoelz. Hypomagnesemia in critically ill cancer patients: a prospective study of predictive factors. Braz J Med Biol Res, December 2000, Volume 33(12) 1443-1448.

[9] Magnesium is used in the creatine-phosphate formation, activates the alkaline phosphatase and pyrophosphatase, stabilizes nucleic acid synthesis, concerning DNA synthesis and degradation, as well as the physical integrity of the DNA helix, activates amino acid and protein synthesis, and regulates numerous hormones.

[10] Durlach J, Bara M, Guiet-Bara A, Collery P. Relationship between magnesium, cancer and carcinogenic or anticancer metals. Anticancer Res. 1986 Nov-Dec;6(6):1353-61.

[11] Anghileri, L.J. Magnesium concentration variations during carcinogenesis. Magnesium Bull.1979; 1:46-48.

[12] Blondell, J.W. The anticancer effect of magnesium. Medical Hypothesis 1980; 6:863-871.

[13] Whitney, R.B., Sutherland, R.M. The influence of calcium, magnesium and cyclic adenosine 3’5’-monophosphate on the mixed lymphocyte reaction. J. Immunol. 1972; 108:1179-1183.

[14] Petitou, M., Tuy, F., Rosenfeld, C., Mishal, Z., Paintrand, M., Jasmin, C., Mathe, G., Inbar, M. Decreased microviscosity of membrane lipids in leukemic cells; two possible mechanisms.Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 1978; 75:2306-2310.

[15] Hass, G.M., McCreary, P.A., Laing, G.H., Galt, R.M. Lymphoproliferative and immumunologic aspects of magnesium deficiency. In Magnesium in Health and Disease (from 2nd Intl Mg Sympos, Montreal, Canada, 1976), b Eds. M. Cantin, M.S. Seelig, Publ. Spectrum Press, NY, 1980, pp 185-200.

[16] Wiles ME, Wagner TL, Weglicki WB. The George Washington University  Medical Center, Division of Experimental Medicine, Washington, D.C., USA. Life Sci. 1997;60(3):221-3

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Hi, I'm Dr. Mark Sircus, AC., OMD, DM (P), a doctor and writer of more than 23 books that have sold over 80,000 copies all over the world. My first major book was "Transdermal Magnesium Therapy" which afforded me the title of "Magnesium Man." It has been translated into five languages and has reduced the suffering of many people.

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