CBD Cannabidiol legal and available in 23 states and Washington, D.C. One of the wars against the war on drugs has been won and that means Americans everywhere now have access to medical marijuana in this government-approved form. The government had to approve it because it has virtually no THC, that particular cannibinoid that gets people high. In some countries the use of medical marijuana is also legal.
It is the best news for millions who are sick and on many pharmaceutical drugs that Cannabidiol (CBD) will replace safely and naturally. Bottom line, CBD is going to make a whole lot of people feel better about 10 minutes after they drop some Cannabidiol under their tongues or use it in so may other forms.
Now we all have access to pharmaceutical-grade natural medicine from companies that is entirely outside the medical industrial complex. Just do not order this product, cannabidiol, to get high – it will not take you there. But if you need a potent medicine in your fight against chronic disease, cannabinoid medicine will deliver the goods. In the fight against cancer, neurological diseases, pain and diabetes, one would actually be crazy to do it without CBD.
CBD turns the debate about illicit-drugs-as-medicine on its head—medical marijuana that does not get the user high. One woman with Parkinson’s disease, who Dr. Michael Callton treats, told him she ingests an oral marijuana candy, a medicine that doesn’t make her intoxicated in order to calm her tremors enough so she can sleep. “She doesn’t want to get high,” said Dr. Callton (also Michigan Republican Representative). “She just wants to sleep.”
I have a patient in Austrailia who has heavy neurological damage and discomfort and is on the Natural Allopathic Medicine protocol. He just started on Cannabidiol and he is doing very well.
CBD Cannabidiol Really Works
The chemistry of cannabis is quite complex. There are over 400 chemicals in marijuana but only about 80 are unique to the cannabis plant and these are classified as cannabinoids. Among the most psychoactive of the cannabinoids is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the active ingredient that gets users high and can be finded in the prescription medications dronabinol (Marinol) and naboline (Cesamet). Other major compounds of cannabinoids include cannabidiol (CBD) and cannabinol (CBN), both of which are non-psychoactive but possess distinct pharmacological effects.
Cannabis was a common ingredient in medications until 1937, when the plant was outlawed by the Marijuana Tax Act despite the objections of the American Medical Association. It was a day when the federal government began its cruelty against its own people. This tradition was continued with water fluoridation (poisoning of public water supplies) and has always been seen in childhood vaccines that inject dangerous chemicals and heavy metals into infants’ bloodstreams.
Cannabinoids, when consumed by humans, bind to CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors in the brain and body causing important pharmacological effects.
Researchers at the University of Milan in Naples, Italy reported in the Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics that non-psychoactive compounds in marijuana inhibited the growth of glioma cells in a dose-dependent manner, and selectively targeted and killed malignant cells through apoptosis. “Non-psychoactive CBD (cannabidiol) produces a significant anti-tumor activity both in vitro and in vivo, thus suggesting a possible application of CBD as an antineoplastic agent.”[1]
The first experiment documenting cannabinoid anti-tumor effects took place in 1974 at the Medical College of Virginia at the behest of the U.S. government. The results of that study, reported in an August 18, 1974 Washington Post newspaper feature showed that marijuana “slowed the growth of lung cancers, breast cancers and a virus-induced leukemiain laboratory mice and prolonged their lives by as much as 36%.”[2]
Cannabis has been found to be effective in relieving the pain of rheumatoid arthritis.[3] Cannabidiol (CBD) arrested the onset of autoimmune diabetes in NOD (non-obese diabetes-prone) mice in a 2007 study.
In 2006 researchers at Hadassah University Hospital in Jerusalem[4] reported that injections of 5 mg per day of CBD (10-20 injections) significantly reduced the prevalence of diabetes in mice from an incidence of 86% in non-treated controls to an incidence of only 30%.
CBD significantly lowers plasma levels of the pro-inflammatory cytokines (proteins), INF-gamma and TNF-alpha, and significantly reduced the severity of insulitis compared to non-treated controls.
Benefits of CBD Cannabidiol
It has anti-inflammatory, anti-anxiety, anti-epileptic, sedative and neuro-protective actions. It is also a potent anti-oxidant, protecting against chemical damage due to oxidation. Studies have suggested that CBD could protect against the development of diabetes, certain kinds of cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, brain and nerve damage due to stroke, alcoholism, nausea, inflammatory bowel disease and Huntington’s disease. Medicine just does not get any better.
Medical marijuana can also be used to make topical creams to relieve neuropathic pain and tingling in hands and feet. Cannabis helps still diabetic “restless leg syndrome” (RLS), and when used with magnesium helps people sleep much better.
Medical Marijuana and Autism
One must read this incredible story by Steve Davis about a man and his wife who “cured autism” in their daughter with cannabis. It’s not really incredible; it is exactly what one should expect from cannabinoid medicine.
Doctors told the couple that their daughter was near the most severe end of the autistic spectrum and offered little hope that the girl could even partially overcome the condition. “We were desperate. We got a high-CBD tincture,” said the father, referring to the marijuana compound called cannabidiol, known for sedative rather than intoxicating effects. “We gave it to her. Within an hour, she was in a deep sleep for the first time since we noticed the autism, or maybe the first time in her life.”
Medical marijuana helped their daughter calm down, have a better appetite, and relate emotionally in a warm and caring way not typical of severely autistic children. “When the medical marijuana takes effect and she is so present and happy, I have tears in my eyes,” the girl’s mom explained. “She is beating autism. She now looks us in the eyes. She smiles. She plays with our cat. She started getting along with other kids. The autism would not let her do that before, but with the medical marijuana, she can do that.”
Mieko Hester-Perez went public on television about giving her autistic son Joey medical marijuana. She says it saved his life! “It seems to me if one is going to need to use drugs, one ought to consider a relatively safe drug, like marijuana,” said Bernard Rimland, Ph.D. of the Autism Research Institute. “The reports we are seeing from parents indicate that medical marijuana often works when no other treatments, drug or non-drug, have helped.”
Dr. Ester Fride strongly recommends the use of cannabinoids in pediatric medicine. She notes that “excellent clinical results” have been reported in pediatric oncology and in case studies of children with severe neurological diseases or brain trauma, and suggests that cannabis-derived medicines could also play a role in the treatment of other childhood syndromes, including the pain and gastrointestinal inflammation associated with cystic fibrosis.
CBD spells bad news for the pharmaceutical industry because, when combined with other strong medicinals like magnesium, sodium bicarbonate and iodine, people can treat themselves more safely and effectively than they can be treated in a doctor’s office.
This essay just touches upon the reasons why you should have CBD in your medicine cabinet. Alone or in combination with other substances, it has a powerful effect that should not be ignored in our struggle against acute and chronic diseases. For more information and many other reasons, please read my book:
[1] Massi et al. 2004. Antitumor effects of cannabidiol, a non-psychotropic cannabinoid, on human glioma cell lines. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Fast Forward 308: 838-845.
[2] http://www.alternet.org/drugreporter/20008/
[4] Autoimmunity; 2006, Vol. 39, No. 2, Pages 143-151.