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Death & Doom in the Gulf

Published on July 7, 2010


Scientists found this sperm whale 77 miles south from the Deepwater spill site off the Gulf Coast.

The very survival of our energy-centric civilization increasingly relies on supplies obtained from risky locations – deep underground, far at sea, north of the Arctic Circle, etc. Our civilization gave rise to the Gulf oil disaster. Happily leading the effort for over a hundred years were the big oil companies who have created dead zones – with the help of their pharmaceutical and chemical friends – all over the planet. The richest and most elitist of the elite have had their fingers deep in oil for a long time. But it looks like they have outdone themselves in the Gulf with something they cannot fix, or, as we will see to our horror, don’t want to fix.

You watch this video and you have to come to terms with the question of why microbes are not being used to eat the oil as quickly as it comes up to the surface. I have seen videos of people using oil-eating microbes and even simple things like straw to clean up the oil but not in the mainstream of course where it really is the Matrix with monsters controlling exactly what the masses see and read. Death is what these people want and there is little stopping them. It’s going to be death to the environment, death to the creatures that swim below or fly above the sea. And it’s going to be death for many people whose systems are not strong enough to withstand the chemical onslaught. Today we have to learn how to think the unthinkable and speak the unspeakable.

The government knows what the consequence to this disaster already is and we can be assured that governmental think tanks are working up their worst-case scenarios and preparing for them. And people in the Gulf region should individually be doing the same to protect their families as best they can by applying some basic home medical treatments.

It is just starting to become obvious that humanity is being taken right into to jaws of disaster by a group of men and organizations that have death on their breath –men and women who refuse to do the right thing and let all the oil come to the surface where it could possibly be dealt with in an organic way. These psychopaths portend a very bad future for not only America but also Europe and in actuality the whole of the Earth’s population. In my book Into the Ashes I write about the psychopaths who populate the top of the corporate ladder.

These people are just not capable of doing the right thing for all they have known is wrong things. We could be dealing with this mega disaster in an organic way with microbes but what they do is the exact opposite. We are looking at good and evil displayed nakedly around this entire subject of the use of chemical dispersants that break up the oil and keep most of it from rising to the surface where it can be dealt with. They are just making matters worse for they are adding to the toxic quagmire, not subtracting from it in any significant way.

Oil dispersant does not pose environmental threat, early EPA findings suggest,” runs the headline in the Washington Post. The Environmental Protection Agency released its first round of testing results indicating that the toxicity of oil dispersants does not pose as significant an environmental threat as the spill does. Amazing, simply amazing. I on the other hand would be pushing the disaster warning horns and doing everything in my might to protect people from harm. Of course the government thinks mercury is safe enough with no need to warn people so we can understand their light treatment of COREXIT ® EC9527A.

Listening to Dr. Chris Pinceptich, Marine Biologist and Toxicologist, speak about COREXIT ® EC9527A will shake one awake about the issues of toxicity. But this is nothing new. The wealthiest families in the world have made their money by poisoning the environment and everyone in it. It’s even how we approach food; the food industry makes it as poisonous and as lacking in nutrition as it can. Civilization uses pesticides and antibiotics everywhere it can so it’s no surprise that those in charge go the least organic route in addressing this crisis.

Workers helping to clean up the oil spill are at high risk due to direct exposure to chemicals and toxic vapors near areas where the oil plumes are surfacing. Chemical dispersants used by BP in the cleaning process pose health risks as do vapors such as benzene, one of the volatile hydrocarbons in oil.

COREXIT ® EC9527A is toxic at 2.61 PPM (parts per million) and can go through a phase transition from liquid to gas and return to earth as toxic rain. It is estimated the BP has released over 1,000,000 gallons of dispersant. When you pour more than a million gallons of toxic oil dispersants on top of oil, it doesn’t just disappear; instead it moves into the atmosphere where it can travel for hundreds if not thousands of miles in the form of toxic rain.

The wildlife apocalypse along the Gulf Coast that everyone has feared for weeks is now a terrible reality and things seem only destined to get worse from here. Pelicans are struggling to free themselves from oil thick as tar that gathers in hip-deep pools, while others stretch out useless wings, feathers dripping with crude. Dead birds and dolphins wash ashore coated in the sludge. Seashells that once shined pearly white under the hot June sun are stained crimson. “It’s like pouring gas in your aquarium. What do you think that’s going to do?” cried out boat captain Dave Marino.

I feel like I’ve gone from owning a piece of paradise to owning a toxic waste dump. – Erin Tamber

Sports Illustrated sent Gary Smith to the Gulf. He reported, “I awoke and left New Orleans behind, driving south into the bayou. Everywhere I turned, it looked like war. Black Hawk helicopters ripped the sky. National Guard trucks and Humvees and bulldozers rumbled across the land, Coast Guard boats zipped across the water, strike teams prowled the bays for oil. Reporting from the Gulf: “This is the death of the Gulf of Mexico,” said Capt. Brian Clark of the marine division of the St. Bernard Parish sheriff’s office. “How can we clean up something that’s not even fixed? It’s like mopping a bathroom floor while the toilet’s still spewing. I’m thinking, there’s a monster out there … a beast we’ve never fooled with,” Governor Bobby Jindal said. “You can see pictures, but until you come here and see it, touch it, smell it, you don’t really understand. It’s tragic.”

Jinal must be hallucinating right? Come on, read the paper, they are not making such a big deal out of it. The EPA says there is nothing to worry much about with millions of gallons of COREXIT ® EC9527A being added into the Gulf. You believe them? You trust the US government? I don’t know about you but when I read Jindal saying its tragic I take him seriously, deadly so. I wouldn’t take the EPA seriously about anything.


Millions of birds are set to fly into Gulf oil soon, right into the face of hell. An Audubon Society official said, “They won’t be safe on their fall passage.” In the coming weeks, millions of waterfowl and other birds that flock to the Gulf Coast on their annual fall migration will arrive in the region either to roost for the winter or to make brief stopovers en route farther south and many if not most of them will die.

F. A. Williams writes, “We are evacuating. Air quality is worsening [methane gas]. EPA is NOT monitoring [been working for BP]. The oil on the beaches is increasing, seeping underneath, soon to destroy our water table. Methane gas could take you away in your sleep. Toxic rain would contaminate the entire region, now a quarantined area, and you would be allowed to leave. It’s time to leave. Now!”

Obviously few are prepared to listen to such a call but don’t you think it’s time to at least think of sending the young ones to safety? I have family in Florida as well as old friends and work associates and I am getting more and more nervous about their safety and wellbeing.

I regret deleting a man’s words about the pain of dislocation, of that feeling of losing everything and having nowhere to go where there will be anything that would make him feel at home. I could never compete with his words and the feelings they carried for he was living it.

An enduring feature of the gulf oil spill is that, even when you think you’ve heard the worst-case scenario, there’s always another that’s even direr. But whatever people are thinking the oil is advancing day-by-day, week-by-week and now month-by-month with no end in sight. Tar balls from the Gulf oil spill found on a Texas beach were confirmed Monday, the fifth of July as the first evidence that gushing crude from the Deepwater Horizon well has reached all the Gulf states.

The baseline measures of the crisis have steadily worsened. The estimated flow rate keeps rising. From many converging sources we are looking at some huge drops in the human carrying capacity (less food and more toxicity) of our earth’s environment, meaning a lot of people are about to die. I hope that does not “make you want to shoot yourself”, as one reader wrote in. Those feelings are understandable, but this is a time when we all have to be tough and deal with this adversity by getting stronger.

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Dr. Mark Sircus AC., OMD, DM (P)

Professor of Natural Oncology, Da Vinci Institute of Holistic Medicine
Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine
Founder of Natural Allopathic Medicine

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