For those of you who wonder if there really is a treatment or process by which cancer can be correctly dealt with, you will be more than impressed with this video and testimony on the work of Dr. Tullio Simoncini in Italy. At the end you will see him using sodium bicarbonate irrigation during the surgical removal of a large tumor. Sodium bicarbonate can be used during surgery, can be injected via IVs and catheters, taken orally, applied transdermally and put in large quantities into ones baths. It can also be nebulized directly into the lungs.
I was so impressed by Simoncini and his work a few years ago I ended up writing the first full medical review on the subject of using sodium bicarbonate, not only for cancer but for a full range of acute and chronic disorders. My personal work and writings teach people how to use bicarbonate at home orally and transdermally. When used in conjunction with a full protocol great health effects are routinely achieved. Even when serious intervention is called for, as in the above case, patients still have to continue treatments after surgery when back in the comfort of their own home.
Several physicians have reported less than spectacular results from using the Simoncini methods. It seems few have been able to replicate the great understanding and experience that Simoncini carries into his clinical work. In Rome he has a team of doctors who work with him using his methods successfully though he continues to be attacked for his revolutionary work.
Utilizing sodium bicarbonate when dealing with cancer does not depend on the Simoncini theory that cancer is a fungus but it sure helps to understand how fungus infections are commonly involved with cancer. I really do not think Simoncini means that cancer is caused by a fungus. What he is really saying is that it is a fungus or is accompanied by fungus. Though it really does not matter what we believe, certain substances like sodium bicarbonate have their strong undeniable effect on human physiology.
The current controversy over sodium bicarbonate and its use in oncology might be relatively new but baking soda has a long history of helping people get through the worst medical conditions.Sodium bicarbonate can save the day when nothing else can.The only other substance about which we can say the same is magnesium chloride, which when injected will save a person during cardiac arrest and pull one out of a stroke if given soon enough.
Doctors and others who warn against sodium bicarbonate are doing the public a great disservice. We have to understand that there are doctors who are against safe and effective medicine. They prefer to deal with poisons like mercury, injecting it into babies saying it is safe. There are those who warn against drinking too much water, of being too hydrated, when the real problem with patients is usually dehydration.
Medicine and medical practice need to stand dead center on a new organizing principle of diagnosis and treatment of disease. That center is pH Medicine, and baking soda would be the principle medical substance for controlling overall pH of the body. It’s so simple that you don’t even have to be a doctor to practice pH Medicine. Every practitioner of the healing arts needs to educate and teach pH Medicine to their clients as well as practice it on themselves.