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Alzheimer’s Recovery Testimony Using the Natural Allopathic Protocol

Published on August 11, 2015

My mum, Eti, is 63 year old and is diagnosed with severe Alzheimer disease. I approached Dr. Sircus 2 months ago, when my mum was in a terrible physical and mental state. She hardly talked, did not manage to do anything by herself; she was very tense from the inside and her body was bent over and she shuffled in her walk. Most of the day she was in a zombie state.

She was treated, until my approach to Dr. Sircus, with conventional medications, which seemed to ruin her body and made her a Zombie.  I had a strong feeling that it cannot be that my mum will vanish so quickly and that there is nothing to do about it – as everyone believes.

I talked with Dr. Sircus on Skype and I knew that I was talking with a man that really cares and that has a unique knowledge that combines such a lot of good, natural and important information for our bodies, offering a full protocol that in a few weeks changed my mother’s life.

For 3 weeks now, we are giving my mum almost the full protocol, and the changes that are already happening are amazing compared to her terrible state she was in when starting. We are gradually taking her off the conventional medications (which include anti-psychotic drug, anti-depression drug and another drug “for Alzheimer”)

We are just in the beginning of this journey and she talks again – with full sentences. Her shuffling walk is getting much better, she is standing almost straight and the most important thing – she is much more happy and connected to her environment. She is laughing a lot and making jokes, enjoying the people around her, enjoying films again and most of the day she is not a zombie at all! The day she remembered my name and called for me, I cried half the day.

Even though my mom still needs help in almost everything, her motor functions and her mental state is much better. I must say that 2 months ago when we only started with the magnesium and sodium baths that by itself helped her to be more relaxed.

I do not know what the limit of her improvement is but we already see that Dr. Sircus’s protocol really makes a change – and in her terrible disease – every small change is a big one.

I want to say that Dr. Sircus is a true partner of making my mom better and his heart and mind are always open for us. I feel he is absolutely driven out of a deep care for human beings and he is brave enough to check a new way that makes it possible for my mom to start to heal.

Thank you Dr. Sircus and for all the people that believe that things can be different.

Maya from Israel.

The New York Times published an article about a study from theNew England Journal of Medicine titled Alzheimer’s Drugs Offer No Help, Study Finds. “The drugs most commonly used to soothe agitation and aggression in people with Alzheimer’s disease are no more effective than placebos for most patients, and put them at risk of serious side effects, including confusion, sleepiness and Parkinson’s disease-like symptoms, researchers are reporting today.”

The use of atypical antipsychotics in the elderly accounts
for an estimated $2 billion in the annual sales of the
drugs, much of the cost paid by Medicare and Medicaid.

Dr. Thomas R. Insel, director of the National Institute of Mental Health, said, “What this study shows is that these drugs are clearly not the answer; they may be helpful for a minority of patients but we need to come up with better medications.”[1]

Metal Toxicity

Autopsy reports on Alzheimer’s patients
found 70% more aluminum in the brain.

Aluminum is a protoplasmic poison and a deadly, persistent neurotoxin. Aluminum is toxin that can cause encephalitis, bone disease and anemia in susceptible people. Though aluminum is less toxic than mercury, arsenic, lead or cadmium, it is a persistent poison increases the toxicity of other heavy metals.

Since 1934, aluminum hydroxide has been used as an
adjuvant to boost the immune response from vaccines.

Many researchers, with good reason, feel that the actual cause of Alzheimer’s disease is due to toxic metals that leaches from mercury-silver amalgam dental fillings. Dr. Boyd Haley, Dr. Murray Vimy, a dental researcher from the University of Calgary, Canada, and member of the World Health Organization (WHO), and Dr. Fritz L. Lorscheider reasoned that because mercury vapor from amalgam fillings is absorbed into the sinuses and goes through the blood stream directly to the brain it also is a basic cause of Alzheimer’s.

In 1998 Julie Varner and two colleagues published research on the effects of aluminum-fluoride and sodium-fluoride on the nervous system of rats.  They concluded, “Chronic administration of aluminum-fluoride and sodium-fluoride in the drinking water of rats resulted in distinct morphological alterations of the brain, including the effects on neurons and cerebrovasculature.” Fluoride, lead and aluminum together can be thought of as a devils triangle that act not only to reinforce each other’s toxicity but also to greatly amplify the toxicity of mercury.[2]

What is happening with Alzheimer’s in the United States is not typical of what is going on in the rest of the world writes Lynn Landes, an investigative reporter. “Americans account for 25% of all Alzheimer’s cases, even though we represent only 4.6% of the world’s population. Europe is experiencing half our rate of disease. For Americans over 85 years of age, 50% are thought to have Alzheimer’s. Fluoride is possibly the missing link that does greatly accelerate the progression of the disease. America’s drinking water is now over 60% fluoridated. Fluoride appears in many processed foods and beverages made with fluoridated water. Keep in mind, Europe has half our rate of Alzheimer’s. They don’t fluoridate their water supplies, but they do use fluoride supplements and dental products.” 

Blood Brain Barrier and Magnesium in Alzheimer’s

Normally, the brain is protected form toxic substances by a membrane, the blood-brain barrier (BBB). However, because aluminum seems to be concentrated in brain tissue of Alzheimer’s victims, it is assumed that there must be a defect in the barrier system permitting aluminum to enter.

Magnesium has been seen to attenuate increased blood-brain barrier permeability during insulin-induced hypoglycemia in animal studies. Magnesium has its important role at the BBB and researchers think that this metal protects brain tissue against the effects of cerebral ischemia, brain injury and stroke through its actions as a calcium antagonist and inhibitor of excitatory amino acids.

Magnesium is essential in regulating central nervous system excitability thus magnesium-deficiency may cause aggressive behavior,[3] depression, or suicide.[4] Magnesium calms the brain and people do not need to become severely deficient in magnesium for the brain to become hyperactive. One study[5] confirmed earlier reports that a marginal magnesium intake overexcites the brain’s neurons and results in less coherence–creating cacophony rather than symphony–according to electroencephalogram (EEG) measurements.[6]

A low level of magnesium overexcites the brain’s neurons and results in less coherence.

Magnesium deficiency or imbalance plays a crucial role in the symptoms of mood disorders. Observational and experimental studies have shown an association between magnesium and aggression[7],[8],[9],[10],[11] anxiety[12],[13],[14] ADHD[15],[16],[17],[18] bipolar disorder[19],[20] depression [21],[22],[23],[24] and schizophrenia [25],[26],[27],[28].

Mg depletion, particularly in the hippocampus, appears to represent
an important pathogenic factor in Alzheimer’s disease. It is
associated with high aluminum incorporation into brain neurons.
Dr. Jean Durlach

Dr. Jean Durlach, of Hôpital Saint-Vincent-de-Paul in France, recognized fifteen years ago the importance of magnesium in the development of Alzheimer’s[29] saying. “Among the recent studies concerning the difficult problem of the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease numerous studies have revealed the increased presence of aluminum (Al) in brain tissue obtained from autopsies of Alzheimer disease patients. However, while Perl et al. stressed the significance of their findings concerning Al in hippocampal tissue, they ignored practically any discussion of their findings concerning magnesium.”

Mg values are found to be significantly decreased in brain
regions of diseased patients compared to the controls.[30]
Dr. E Andrasi
Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry

Dr. J.L. Glick in 1990 showed a significant decrease in the frequency of intracellular magnesium deposits in neurons of Alzheimer disease patients as compared with control patients.[31] Dr. Glick suggests that Alzheimer’s disease involves a defective transport process characterized by both an abnormally low Mg incorporation and an abnormally high Al incorporation into brain neurons. The origin of this disturbance rests on an alteration of serum albumin, forming a species, which has a greater affinity for Al than for Mg, in contrast to the normal protein, which binds Mg better than Al.

My recommendation for Alzheimer’ is to use magnesium bicarbonate water and drink at least 4 cups per day, which will directly supplement both magnesium and bicarbonate. Moreover, as always, I recommend constant use of Transdermal Magnesium Therapy, which will take magnesium levels higher than just using the magnesium bicarbonate water alone. Giving magnesium massages to Alzheirmer’s patients is more than wonderful combining healing touch with intensive magnesium supplementation.

Medical Marijuana to the Rescue

Extremely low levels of the compound in marijuana known as delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, may slow or halt the progression of Alzheimer’s disease, a study from neuroscientists at the University of South Florida shows.

In a Feb. 2005 issue of The Journal of Neuroscience researchers discovered that many Alzheimer’s patients lose the function of important cannabinoid brain receptors, which seem to guard against cognitive decline. They further discovered in a rat study involving synthetic marijuana that when these brain receptors were working, they reduced the brain inflammation that is associated with Alzheimer’s.

Research from the Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, California, reveals that THC can block the formation of brain clogging amyloid plaque in parts of the brain important for memory and cognition.[32] Dr. Kim Janda showed that THC preserves brain levels of the key neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Janda’s group reported in the journal Molecular Pharmaceutics their experiments showing that THC prevents formation of the amyloid plaques that are a hallmark of AD and its damage to the brain.


[3] Bernard Rimland. While no patient has been cured with the vitamin B6 and magnesium treatment, there have been many instances where remarkable improvement has been achieved. In one such case an 18-year-old autistic patient was about to be evicted from the third mental hospital in his city. Even massive amounts of drugs had no effect on him, and he was considered too violent and assaultative to be kept in the hospital. The psychiatrist tried the B6/magnesium approach as a last resort. The young man calmed down very quickly. The psychiatrist reported at a meeting that she had recently visited the family and had found the young man to now be a pleasant and easy-going young autistic person who sang and played his guitar for her.

[4] C. M. Banki, M. Arato and C. D. Kilts. Aminergic studies and cerebrospinal fluid cations in suicide. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol 487, Issue 1 221-230, Copyright © 1986 by New York Academy of Sciences 

[5] This is the first experimental study in which magnesium intakes were tightly controlled and EEG measurements were analyzed by computer so they could be statistically compared.

[7] Izenwasser SE et al. Stimulant-like effects of magnesium on aggression in mice. Pharmacol Biochem Behav 25(6):1195-9, 1986.

[8] Henrotte JG. Type A behavior and magnesium metabolism. Magnesium 5:201-10, 1986.

[9] Bennett CPW, McEwen LM, McEwen HC, Rose EL. The Shipley Project: treating food allergy to prevent criminal behaviour in community settings. J Nutr Environ Med 8:77-83, 1998.

[10] Kirow GK, Birch NJ, Steadman P, Ramsey RG. Plasma magnesium levels in a population of psychiatric patients: correlation with symptoms. Neuropsychobiology 30(2-3):73-8, 1994.

[11] Kantak KM. Magnesium deficiency alters aggressive behavior and catecholamine function. Behav Neurosci 102(2):304-11, 1988

[12] Buist RA. Anxiety neurosis: The lactate connection. Int Clin Nutr Rev 5:1-4, 1985.

[13] Seelig MS, Berger AR, Spieholz N. Latent tetany and anxiety, marginal Mg deficit, and normocalcemia. Dis Nerv Syst 36:461-5, 1975.

[14] Durlach J, Durlach V, Bac P, et al. Magnesium and therapeutics. Magnes Res 7(3/4):313-28, 1994.

[15] Durlach J. Clinical aspects of chronic magnesium deficiency, in MS Seelig, Ed. Magnesium in Health and Disease. New York, Spectrum Publications, 1980.

[16] Kozielec T, Starobrat-Hermelin B. Assessment of magnesium levels in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Magnes Res 10(2):143-8, 1997.

[17] Kozielec T, Starobrat-Hermelin B. Assessment of magnesium levels in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Magnes Res 10(2):143-8, 1997.

[18] Starobrat-Hermelin B, Kozielec T. The effects of magnesium physiological supplementation on hyperactivity in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Positive response to magnesium oral loading test. Magnes Res 10(2):149-56, 1997.

[19] George MS, Rosenstein D, Rubinow DR, et al. CSF magnesium in affective disorder: lack of correlation with clinical course of treatment. Psychiatry Res 51(2):139-46, 1994.

[20] Kirov GK, Birch NJ, Steadman P, Ramsey RG. Plasma magnesium levels in a population of psychiatric patients: correlations with symptoms. Neuropsychobiology 1994;30(2-3):73-8, 1994.

[21] Linder J et al. Calcium and magnesium concentrations in affective disorder: Difference between plasma and serum in relation to symptoms. Acta Psychiatr Scand 80:527-37, 1989

[22] Frazer A et al. Plasma and erythrocyte electrolytes in affective disorders. J Affect Disord 5(2):103-13, 1983.

[23] Bjorum N. Electrolytes in blood in endogenous depression. Acta Psychiatr Scand 48:59-68, 1972.

[24] Cade JFJA. A significant elevation of plasma magnesium levels in schizophrenia and depressive states. Med J Aust 1:195-6, 1964.

[25] Levine J, Rapoport A, Mashiah M, Dolev E. Serum and cerebrospinal levels of calcium and magnesium in acute versus remitted schizophrenic patients. Neuropsychobiology 33(4):169-72, 1996.

[26] Kanofsky JD et al. Is iatrogenic hypomagnesemia common in schizophrenia? Abstract. J Am Coll Nutr 10(5):537, 1991.

[27] Kirov GK, Tsachev KN. Magnesium, schizophrenia and manic-depressive disease. Neuropsychobiology 23(2):79-81, 1990.

[28] Chhatre SM et al. Serum magnesium levels in schizophrenia. Ind J Med Sci 39(11):259-61, 1985.

[29] Magnesium Research (1990) 3, 3, 217-218 Letter to the Editor

[30]Andrasi E, Igaz S, Molnar Z, Mako S. Disturbances of magnesium concentrations in various brain areas in Alzheimer’s disease. L. Eotvos University, Budapest, Hungary. Magnes Res. 2000 Sep;13 (3):189-96.

[31] Dementias: the role of magnesium deficiency and an hypothesis concerning the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease. Med. Hypotheses 31, 211-225.


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Dr. Mark Sircus AC., OMD, DM (P)

Professor of Natural Oncology, Da Vinci Institute of Holistic Medicine
Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine
Founder of Natural Allopathic Medicine

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