Natural Allopathic
High Performance Health Protocols
I’m Mark Sircus,
a doctor of natural medicine and writer of more than 23 books that have sold 80,000 copies around the world. Natural Allopathic Medicine is the name of a new form of medicine I have pioneered that situates itself between the best of medical science and natural medicine.Natural Allopathic Medicine is grounded in essential physiology, in a common-sense approach to medicine one does not need a PHD to understand. It concentrates on the most basic life parameters including breathing rate, pH, body temperature, oxidative stress, oxygen and CO2 blood levels, mineral deficiencies, toxicity and heart rate variability, which tells us how stressed out we are.
Diagnose and Treat at Home
a doctor of natural medicine and writer of more than 23 books that have sold 80,000 copies around the world. Natural Allopathic Medicine is the name of a new form of medicine I have pioneered that situates itself between the best of medical science and natural medicine.Natural Allopathic Medicine is grounded in essential physiology, in a common-sense approach to medicine one does not need a PHD to understand. It concentrates on the most basic life parameters including breathing rate, pH, body temperature, oxidative stress, oxygen and CO2 blood levels, mineral deficiencies, toxicity and heart rate variability, which tells us how stressed out we are.
Natural Immuno-Oncology
Immunotherapy, or immuno-oncology as it is technically called, represents a sea change in terms of cancer treatment. Immuno-oncology allows cancer cells to be targeted, leaving the rest of the body unharmed. A healthy, fully functioning immune system can combat the spread of cancer cells and eliminate tumors. The pharmaceutical approach, is demonstrating impressive clinical benefit but at a cost few can afford. However, we now have a natural approach to achieve the same end results but without toxicity, high cost and endless side-effects.
Clear Medical Thinking Leads to Clear Diagnose
Modern medicine struggles to come up with one new idea after another yet they overlook the basics, the foundational medicines that address absolute needs of the body. We have answers that cannot be replaced or worked around. Only magnesium, for instance, will treat magnesium deficiencies. Magnesium deficiency underpins many diseases, yet doctors rarely prescribe magnesium as a medicine, which it is when injected.
Hydrogen Medicine
Treating cancer with hydrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide is an approach that treats the fundamental reasons cancer cells form and get aggressive. The sicker a person is more they will experience the benefits of hydrogen. Hydrogen can be flooded into the body to put out the worst flames of inflammation and oxidative stress. In Hydrogen Medicine we flood the body with the three primary gases—hydrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide—as a first course of action in all dire medical situations. Same goes for any chronic or acute condition like the flu. The longer one wants to live the more one supplements with these primary gases. The most powerful healing/medical/anti-aging device in the world is a hydrogen oxygen inhaler.
Doctors are One of the Main Causes of Cancer
Doctors are one of the main causes of cancer; no wonder why we have lost the war on cancer. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are both intrinsically carcinogenic treatments. Take the cancer drug tamoxifen, for example. It is classified by the World Health Organization and the American Cancer Society as a human carcinogen, and has been documented to cause over two dozen health-destroying side effects, and yet it is still used as a first line treatment for certain types of breast câncer.Even when radiation kills half of the tumor cells treated, the surviving cells which are resistant to treatment, known as induced breast cancer stem cells (iBCSCs), were up to 30 times more likely to form tumors than the non-irradiated breast cancer cells.
This library is a good collection for anyone who wants tolearn how to treat themselves with Innovative Medicine.
Light Deficiency as a Cause of Cancer
If a lack of light is a cause of cancer it means that light and vitamin D can be used to treat cancer. We all know that too much sun can cause cancer, we cannot bake and burn ourselves to a crisp without consequences. However, a lack of sunlight can also cause cancer. Vitamin D deficiencies (lack of light) can lead to the development of prostate and breast cancer, memory loss, and an increased risk for developing dementia and schizophrenia. That’s the short list. Vitamin D deficiency and a lack of sun exposure takes its toll in most pathology in an insidious way, not only because of the lack of D, a crucial hormone, but because of a lack of several important aspects of sunlight.
Secrets to Conquering Cancer Revealed
Early sign up for Conquering Cancer, and online course in Natural Oncology that can be taken for credit at an online accredited university, or without credit directly with Dr. Sircus. Other options include consultations and supervision as well as group process. A standalone self-taught system suitable for professional and patients a like it offers the most profound presentation on cancer ever given. The course represents a sweeping understanding of cancer, its causes and its safe treatment. Inquire for more information here. The quest is to know more than oncologists do about cancer so one can be effective at treating oneself, one’s family or one’s patients.
Physical Healing Properties of Light
The sun is the ultimate healing light yet most of us to not get enough of it and that causes all kind of health and medical problems. So we need to discuss different medical/health devices that can imitate different aspects of the sun. If we cannot get enough sun we have no choice but to supplement yet taking vitamin D3 is not our first choice. This is important because we cannot survive without light just like we cannot survive without air or water. “It seems clear that light is the most important environmental input, after food, in controlling bodily function,” reported Dr. Richard J. Wurtman, a nutritionist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Designing Human Rocket Fuel for the Mitochondria
A large advance in cancer treatment can be attained through a revival of our cells mitochondria, which are among the first parts of the cell to become dysfunctional when they are deprived of oxygen-rich blood, are exposed to toxins, or are deprived of vital nutrients. Natural Allopathic Medicine has developed a rocket fuel formula to stimulate the mitochondria. The science and medical logic that sustains this formula have existed but never been put forward in a comprehensive way.
Simple, Inexpensive Safe Medicine for the World
When one has a heart for humanity one would choose a short list of affordable medicines that are safe and easy to administer, even when there is no doctor present. The key factors in choosing such medicines would be their affordability to the billions who cannot afford much at all. The second factor would be their strength to do the heavy lifting that both chronic and acute medical situations demand. The most basic on our list are all natural medicines like sodium bicarbonate, magnesium chloride, selenium, sulfur and iodine.
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