Radiation Is Not On People’s Radar In publishing Atomic Suicide Dr. Walter Russell united with Dr. Albert Schweitzer’s 1957 appeal to the world to end nuclear tests, an...
Mercury/Radiation Pollution From Forest Fires Emergency Alert to Canadians and Americans Over 100 million people are under pollution warnings after the smoke spread hundreds of miles from Canada. Smoke from Canadian wildfires shr...
Iodine and Radiation Insanity The news is so bad this Sunday morning that I don’t know what to do or write. I could try screaming but I am not the type… or cryi...
Expect Whole Range of Sicknesses from Fukushima Radiation Possibilities for a healthy life are diminishing at a rate directly proportional to the rising levels of radiation seen on EPA monitors.
The Oxidative Effects of Wireless Radiation Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are all around us, even if you live in rural areas. They emanate from power lines, televisions, household elec...
Ionising Radiation — The Genetic Killer Christopher Busby exposes the fallacy behind the current accepted model of exposure hazard adopted by governments and the nuclear industry ...
Radiation Deception Continues Plants are dying in the middle of central Tokyo and it could be because of the increase in radiation. One irony of the radioactive fallout f...
Magnesium and Radiation Protection “In the years leading up to Chernobyl, some dairy farmers in Austria were using remineralization as a part of their operations. They a...
Fukushima World’s Radiation Nightmare Fukushima is Japan's and the world’s radiation nightmare that will not go away in our lifetimes nor our children’s or grandc...
Radiation is Safe – So Don’t Worry About a Thing Increased levels of exposure to radiation has negative health effects. There is no firm basis for setting a "safe" level of exposure.