Radioactive Iodine 129 & 131 In the 1990s, many studies reported an increase in thyroid cancer in children due to the release of Iodine-131 during the Chernobyl acciden...
Radiation Deception Continues Plants are dying in the middle of central Tokyo and it could be because of the increase in radiation. One irony of the radioactive fallout f...
Mercury/Radiation Pollution From Forest Fires Emergency Alert to Canadians and Americans Over 100 million people are under pollution warnings after the smoke spread hundreds of miles from Canada. Smoke from Canadian wildfires shr...
Real Doctors Have Real Things to Say Fortunately we have a medical diagnosis of the situation from a doctor who knows something about iodine and the necessity of taking more of ...
Reader Responses I would like to share some of the comments that are coming in from publishing Seismologist Casts a Shadow last night. There are plenty of p...
Iodine Deficiency and Radioactive Iodine Cause Cancer and Thyroid Disease Medical ignorance is endemic and nowhere is this more evident than in how contemporary medicine views and treats hyperthyroidism and thyro...
Radioactive Currents and Winds There are all kinds of nuclear materials coming out of that Japanese plant but only a few of them are being measured. We hear about radioa...
Sources and Uses for Iodine / Iodine to Rescue Anyone who tells you to stay away from iodine is a medical idiot. Actually that statement does not cover the story of medical cruelty and ...
Nuclear Deception A New York Times news service article from March started with these words, “Amid widening alarm in the United States and elsewhere abo...
Increasing Threats to Our Nuclear Power Stations I find myself faced, today, with the incredibly unpleasant task of delivering some rather frightening news. Perhaps we can forgive humanity&...