Hopefully this book will inspire doctors around the world to change the way they treat newborns and young children. Humane Pediatrics offers a medicine of heart as opposed to the dangerous nature of medicine practiced with a brutal arrogance of mind and attitude that we find too much today. Pediatricians, more than anyone else on this planet, need to be brought before justice for their massive sellout to pharmaceutical interests.
I am very sorry to have to say this but pediatricians are one of the worst things that ever happened to the human race, worse than the infectious diseases they love to scare parents with. Worse than the oncologist whose passion is to poison and profit from their patients, pediatricians prey on the newborn and young children and attack anyone who even suggests that they might be doing something wrong. Pediatricians make the most terrible mistake a doctor can make when they wrongly assume that everything they do is right.
More information on this is available in the Humane Pediatrics Book.