Newborn babies are the most vulnerable of all beings. Vulnerability says it all when it comes to a newborn infant. It is easy to hurt most beings but little babies are the most vulnerable and the easiest to hurt. Babies are born with the need for tender touch, looking to unite in bliss with the beings that brought them into the world. It is in this needing of unbreakable bonds of love and trust that our souls are easily broken when we are met with medical violence, arrogance, and aggression. It is a tragedy when our parents don’t really want us; abandonment is one of the worst trials young beings have to face and this is a growing problem with more and more kids being born out of wedlock, destined to be raised by only one parent.
Deep within is our pure being that has incarnated into this body. This being is ultra sensitive. From the moment of conception this pure being is picking up subtle impressions from the environment through the heart center of pure feeling.
The human infant is extremely sensitive and can be terrified or overwhelmed by what it experiences, especially if it is threatened with a separation from its mother—not just the obvious separations such as the mother dying, but more subtle ones such as the mother being in a hospital due to illness or the birth of a sibling. There are many events that can cause an infant to experience a separation trauma and feel threatened by physical or emotional separation. Today judges, medical officials, and some pediatric doctors have little sensitivity to this issue and will take a child away from its mother.
A case in point: I was recently in contact with a case of twins born prematurely with one having a birth weight of only two pounds. The infants were both given the hepatitis B vaccine and because of many complications and medical problems, one died after three months, soon after the second hep B vaccine was administered. The child turned blue and stopped breathing but was revived only to die soon after. The mother was accused of Shaken Baby Syndrome and the other child was taken from her.
More information is available on this topic in the Humane Pediatrics book.