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Dear IMVA, January 2012

Published on January 17, 2012

For those interested in my plans for the future of Sanctuary in Brazil below you will find my design for what will go on there. I am very excited about the possibilities and have made contact with a group of doctors who are looking on my work favorably and are welcoming my Natural Allopathic Medicine to Brazil. I have been publishing only in English but that will change.

I have launched my Facebook IMVA campaign and love the Facebook interface. Amazing how long I resisted entering into social media. Next will start the IMVA Brazil Facebook page and IMVA Spanish one as well so I will soon be broadcasting and interacting with many more people.

I am asking my readers to follow me on Facebook and to help in any way they can.

Many years ago I wrote an essay about using the Internet as a tool for the amplification of human consciousness and it has been my experience that it has increased my emotional, mental and spiritual strength. I think the difference between Internet addiction and positive hard use is the meaning and purpose we bring to our digital lives.

Since we are still in the early years of the digital age we do not know its full potential to affect positive change so I would like to push the pedal to the floor and see what comes. I am willing to spread our work into other languages if anyone wants to work with me with this.

When you read the below please keep in mind that we are not finished with the construction but will soon be able to accommodate a few visitors. I am just beginning to put together a team of healers who will work with me.

Sanctuary Healing Retreats

Picture of one of the many waterfalls in our region

At Sanctuary you will be touched by healing hands. You will be touched often—physically as well as spiritually, emotionally and mentally. Sanctuary is a new place in the world offering an encounter with love unlike any you have experienced before. It is a place for noble souls who want to experience the most intense feelings of love that reside in the deepest halls of their innermost hearts.

You will be pampered at Sanctuary. You will receive two massages a day! We are serious about touching you deeply and about helping you recover your health and vitality. Your skin will be covered with the purest form of magnesium chloride imported from Europe before each massage, your pH will be monitored and you will be treated to superfood formulas to jet-propel your return to the best you can be.

You will take natural colonics, run down to the sauna, swim in one of our three natural swimming holes and sit by the river in our Healing Gardens. You will do yoga, emotional release work, meditation, deep breathing and, when wanting to just relax and take in the local beauty, walk through the woods to some of our local waterfalls. At night we do circular dances and take part in other group activities like learning how to listen from a space beyond the mind.

Every two hours you will be offered fruit and vegetable juices and the most delicious natural foods will be available. Açaí with a superfood formula called Rejuvenate is our founder’s favorite.

Everyone enjoys the healing power of mother earth coming to us through the oral and topical use of clay, the pure air and water untouched by human hands—no chlorine or fluoride!

Sanctuary is a place where you will learn a new practice of health that follows the principles of Dr. Sircus’s Natural Allopathic Medicine that you will be able to continue in your own home after your time with us is finished.

You will learn about the most powerful and necessary minerals like iodine and sodium bicarbonate (simple baking soda) in addition to magnesium and other natural medicinals. Our retreats are for learning as well as for relaxing and unwinding and you will meet some interesting people here who are dedicated to helping you be well.

You may contract separately for deeper health practices like acupuncture or therapies of the most profound type, but everyone will be touched deeply by our regular services. Our approach to health touches upon the essential physiological and psychological processes that will maximize the probability that one will recover from their disease.

Therapeutic Healing Touch

The most important way we give love to a baby is through touch. For babies, and the rest of us, love is equated deeply with touch. The most beautiful forms of touch possible are actually healing techniques.

Touch is an activity in itself and is wholly satisfying, healing, and a necessary life experience. Touch in the form of massage, affection, hugs, cuddles and plain pure tenderness diffuses emotional tension. It grounds the entire system and touches our souls. When a person has not been touched in a long while, a simple and tender touch can send him into a flood of tears, for the heart feels the release of tension abruptly.

Love is healing and loving touch is super-healing. Beings of love touch each other, need each other, heal each other.Touch is a powerful way to communicate empathy, friendship, approval, affirmation and love to one another.

Detoxification & Purification

The rules and conditions of life are changing and mere survival is going to be a struggle. Our already toxic world is getting more contaminated and radioactive with modern dentistry and medicine adding significantly to this problem with their use of heavy metals, lethal drugs and radiation. We live in a seriously poisoned world and now with Fukushima bellowing radioactive clouds into the northern hemisphere we have even more to worry about. Sanctuary is the perfect place to learn how to purify one’s body and how to survive on a toxic planet.

Sexual Healing

At Sanctuary we offer healing from sexual wounds, those hurts that are hard to get out of our souls. Twenty five years ago I developed a process which I called HypnoTrance Therapy. During sessions with severely traumatized women I would put them into a trance and follow them by going into trance myself. We would journey together directly back to the time and events of sexual injury with remarkable results. This is offered as a separate healing theme through intense therapy.

Return Visits

Sanctuary is a club that you may join so that whenever you want to come back it is easier and more affordable. Anyone who experiences this taste of heaven will surely want to come back! We have created an island of light and an oasis of love so those who are engaged in the battle of life will want a safe place to retreat to.

Health Support

Support begins before you even get here and continues through our Sanctuary online support group after you leave. Before you arrive we will already know you and be familiar with your particular needs and the health challenges you face.


We offer accommodations for many levels of taste and affordability including the presidential suite with its accompanying office. For the more humble we have a dormitory with bathroom, rooms with the bathroom in the hall, and magnificent suites for all those who fit in-between. For those with private planes we have an airport with a runway big enough to land a jumbo jet only 30 minutes away.

Sanctuary for Souls

Sanctuary is the kingdom of heaven brought to earth—it is just that nice in this nestled valley where two rivers meet just three hours north of Brasilia, the federal capital of Brazil. It is here where we worship human vulnerability because to treasure vulnerable love is the first law of a pure heart. The most important key to finding real love is found in our willingness and ability to recognize and accept our vulnerability.

We are dedicated to the feminine principle and to God and you will find our shrine to Mary the Queen of Heaven when you arrive.

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Dr. Mark Sircus AC., OMD, DM (P)

Professor of Natural Oncology, Da Vinci Institute of Holistic Medicine
Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine
Founder of Natural Allopathic Medicine

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