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Reader Responses

Published on May 15, 2012


I would like to share some of the comments that are coming in from publishing Seismologist Casts a Shadow last night. There are plenty of people who have not the slightest idea that there is anything wrong and they go about their business without a thought of the many guillotines about to fall down on us. One reader said last night, “Occasionally I mention the ‘critical mass’ of Fukushima to friends, but they look at me incredulously, as if I was speaking about something happening on another planet.”

From a cognitive therapist, “With respect to Mike Adams’ optimism, may I be so bold as to acknowledge out loud that hope and optimism, while stupid and illogical habits of thought, are really, really good medicine? When we comment, always sardonically, that “Hope springs eternal in the human breast,” we simultaneously acknowledge that without this stupid habit of hope, we would keel over in depression and despair and die. Such was the fate of the initial British colonists in Virginia, hundreds of years ago. In just three weeks, they died of nothing more than “fatal withdrawal.” They gave up, curled up, and died. The advice to those who want to live through this nightmare to see a better day is to keep up the dumb habit of hope. Find the silver lining. Crack jokes. Have fun. Indulge in black humor. Believe that somewhere the sun still shines, the evil genius of our species notwithstanding.”

I agree especially with the humor and hope that love will never desert us (if in fact we do have such love in our lives) but do not agree with false optimism and what I call the stupid belief or hope that big daddy (government) will save the day when they are doing their stupid best to ruin it.

“We are definitely in prophecy-fulfilling days, no doubt about it. I don’t believe the leadership of the USA—banksters, gangsters, mad scientists, etc.—are even human. Nobody could do such things as this, and cause such outrageous havoc on this beautiful planet.” I have to agree with this reader and I am sure Einstein keeps turning over in his grave. It’s a dark moment and the human race only has itself to thank for it.

“Recently I was informed via a German family from one of their physicist friends that if this happens, the entire planet is at risk, not just the northern hemisphere. Winds meet and reverse at the equator, and then flow south towards the poles. In short, there may be a decrease in hot particles of course, but there surely will be fallout in your area as well. Why not suggest in your reporting that all nations focus at this juncture on getting an international team to the scene to stabilize that facility?”

I would make such a call to the world but who seriously thinks anyone important would listen? The mainstream press does not even recognize that Fukushima has been a problem since the beginning. If these people were interested in doing everything possible they would be doing it already. And I agree with the assessment that the south would also be greatly affected and that the ability to have healthy human children is going to be cut from under us. Somehow I just do not feel like any kind of humor when I have to be honest and say something like this.

What I pray for the most of course is the safety, wellbeing and health of my wife and children. If I were to call for a world prayer I am not sure what I would ask for. When the ancients were tested in the Bible, there was often some space to ask to let this pass me by, to be spared of a great test—i.e., taking one’s own son’s life upon God’s angels’ command.

In my soul—and I am pained to have to say this—I am more than doubting that we will be spared. We have to be realists here not optimists or pessimists. Even without reactor No. 4 caving in, we have the promise of constantly increasing radiation from Fukushima. Nobody shut that nuclear contamination flow down and it already is beyond bad and there are hundreds of other nuclear plants built right where they shouldn’t be, right on fault lines. The increasing earthquakes and volcanic activity is no joke to the nuclear industry. Today only complete fools trust anything they or the government says. I not see one shred of evidence that anything is being done. They cannot even talk about the situation, so who will resolve it or how will they do it?

At this point, and I say this as the eternal optimist, I think we need to face the things that need facing. For those who don’t understand how the world is quickly changing under our feet and above us in the skies, even sexual education is going to have to change. Avoiding pregnancy will take on new meaning as the rates of genetic mutations increase.

For more solid information and plenty of links on the subject of Fukushima read Fukushima fuel pool is urgent national security issue for America, ‘top threat facing humanity’.

“People don’t realize that the Fukushima reactor is on a knife’s edge. It’s near the tipping point,” said Dr. Micio Kaku. “A small earthquake, another pipe break, another explosion, could tip it over and we could have a disaster much worse, many times worse than Chernobyl. It’s like a sleeping dragon.”

Suicide Brigade

One reader wrote me saying, “Fixing the situation would require great sacrifice. That’s something the Japanese can relate to, i.e., kamikaze, honor, face. Pay volunteers a million dollars each to sign up for a suicide mission, where the money will go to their families. I’m sure they’d get many takers. Those volunteers would then do whatever is needed to encase reactor No. 4 in concrete or similar, as happened in Chernobyl. It won’t be easy, but each volunteer could work for several hours before they succumbed. Horrible? Sure! Are there any alternatives? TEPCO has the money, as does the Japanese govt. Even if it cost $100m, it would be a massive bargain. The first volunteers should be TEPCO officers.”

One hundred million would only be 100 men when many thousands would be needed. But that is not a problem since the money can be printed and borrowed or brought in from mars!

Suicide rates are up all around the world anyway. In Greece the number of suicides increased by about 40% in the second half of 2011. Japan has also seen a steep rise in suicides since Fukushima happened.

We are really not a happy people though the happy people would probably resent me saying this. In my book HeartHealth, I deal deeply with ideas of happiness as well as with the avoidance of feelings. It is more than possible to revel in mental happiness without an idea of how closed ones heart is. Personally I am happy for many reasons. I walk around with my heart busted wide open so my vulnerability (I define the heart as the vulnerability of being) feels things deeply. So when pain and suffering come they come and the job then is to deal with the emotions and feelings with courage and strength.

One of my readers wrote some nice words but are they real or is this just another way the mind gets away with not feeling anything on a heart level? “The world is a holographic illusion. These catastrophes are part of 3-D reality or illusion. The key is not to give it reality by the low vibration of fear. The key is in raising your vibrations. In this way you affect the whole. Planet earth is moving into new regions of the cosmos. Higher energies are coming into earth. These energies connect with your DNA, your consciousness but it all depends what you focus on. Focus on the negative and you amplify it. The gap between idea and manifestation is vanishing. This means that if you think of something like a catastrophe, instantly this is what you will experience. If you follow your internal guidance from inside, look at the positive, choose to be happy, you will have another experience.”

Actually sounds like an ego talking about having egocentric experiences of happiness no matter what is happening to the people around us and to our civilization in general. Yes we do, in the end, have control over and responsibility to what we put in our consciousness, but what we deny creates the real illusions most of us live with until we die.

In my next newsletter I will share my personal feelings in an essay entitled, “Fear and Courage and Doing the Right Thing.” I will share some suggestions on what to do about this situation when there really is nothing to do in a large sense. As I keep writing, the essays get too long and so I am breaking them down to reasonable lengths. If you are not familiar with the medical consequences and what personal health choices would make you stronger in the face of increasing nuclear winds, I suggest you start with my book, Nuclear Toxicity Syndrome.

Last notes into my box

“What puzzles me is why the rich power elite are not seemingly worried.  They have their underground cities, and as you say all the psychopaths together (what would you give to be a fly on the wall), but after that…what….???? Do they have some hidden technology which will clean things up?”

“So if it is true, and may well be, then we might as well relax and enjoy life, since as Helen Caldecott points out also, “There isn’t a thing we can do about it.”

Dr. Mark Sircus AC., OMD, DM (P)

Professor of Natural Oncology, Da Vinci Institute of Holistic Medicine
Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine
Founder of Natural Allopathic Medicine

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