ICU and Home Critical Care (Introduction) When we do things right in ICU and emergency departments we save lives and can decrease the amount of time patients have to be hospitalize...
Miracles in ICU Departments (Part Three) Occasionally miracles happen in intensive care wards. Incredible doctors save many more sepsis patients lives than doctors stuck in their p...
ICU and Home Critical Care (Part Two) We are continuing to explore a revolutionary change in intensive care medical treatment, whether done by doctors in ICU and emergency room...
ICU Care Done at Home and Hospitals Part 4 In the emergency room and ICU medicines must be safe while delivering an instant lifesaving burst of healing power. Obviously if they are ...
Hydrogen for Surgery & ICU Medical gas is critical to the function of hospitals and many other healthcare facilities. Medical gas systems in hospitals a...
ICU Doctors Know Best John Whyte, MD, Chief Medical Officer at WebMD said, “We have been seeing a high mortality for patients once they are put on a ventil...
Introduction to COVID Treatments Doctors worldwide were actively discouraged from helping and even prevented from saving their patients. Esteemed doctors and medical facilit...
Home Critical Care Medicine What's wrong with the picture above? What are these doctors doing wrong? They are giving oxygen without hydrogen's healing power in the gas ...
Medical Gas Coronavirus Therapy Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell, MD is a board-certified emergency medicine physician in Brooklyn, New York. He is affiliated with Maimonides Medi...