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Lies About Nutrition, Starvation & Hunger

Published on February 22, 2012


One quarter of young children around the world are not getting enough nutrients to grow properly, and 300 die of malnutrition every hour, according to a new report that highlights the effects of the global food crisis. No words in the English language can describe how stupendously off base this report is. This is the biggest lie of the century. The situation is much worse than this, sadly and horrifically worse.

The report about this crisis reveals nothing about reality but it does show us what a dimwitted race we belong to and it shows that those on the top of the human heap are monsters beyond imagination who have the power to keep our minds living in a thick fog. The real information is needed by doctors to correct and treat the situation but they are left in the dark as well, so instead of helping people they add to the harm.

According to research and the recent report by the charity, Save the Children,[1] there are 170 million children under the age of five whose development has been stunted by malnutrition because of lack of food for them and their breastfeeding mothers, and the situation is getting significantly worse.

Save the Children is missing a few billion children and adults here. The entire human race is malnourished, starving for the basic nutrients of life. When you take the simple fact that most of the human population is now eating processed white foods stripped of about 80% of its minerals, we can begin to see a cruelty beyond belief. To lie about food is a crime against humanity, it’s filthy and disgusting, and there is hardly a doctor and certainly not a politician willing to go on the line with this.

Today, because of many conditions including chemical, radioactive and heavy-metal contamination, even those eating the best organic diets can hardly keep up with the nutritional demands that are made on the body to clear these toxins from the body.

When malnourished children eat foods laced with poisonous chemicals and heavy metals, they do not have the inner nutritional resources to clear toxins from their body. During this past century the physical environment that surrounds us has gotten incredibly toxic and even the food most people eat acts to destroy rather than nourish.

Populations are being poisoned and starved simultaneously by the food they eat.

According to this news report, a third of parents surveyed said their children routinely complain they do not have enough to eat. One in six parents can never afford to buy meat, milk or vegetables. It suggests that six out of 10 children in Afghanistan are not getting enough nutrients to avoid stunted growth.


This person is suffering from malnutrition.

The big lie is the one that makes us believe that if we fill up our bellies with foods we can buy in the supermarket, we will be well-nourished. This is an outrageously false insinuation. The fact of the matter is, the most obese people are the most malnourished.

Israeli Magnesium Debate

A report from Israel highlights a key nutritional choke point. There, despite the recommendations of experts, the government has opted to not add magnesium to desalinated water. Yet the recommendation to add magnesium to desalinated seawater was made by the committee of experts that prepared the new water quality standards. The Health Ministry made the same recommendation.

The recommendation comes as a response to the expected decline in magnesium following the increased use of desalinated seawater, because magnesium is removed from the water by the desalination process. “Many studies, some done in Israel, have proved that adding magnesium helps heart function among both the healthy and the sick,” said Prof. Michael Shechter of the Cardiac Institute at Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer.

Shechter added that it also reduces the frequency of diabetes and can reduce the tendency to obesity and high blood pressure in children. The Health Ministry representatives stressed the importance of magnesium to maintain health and said adding it to drinking water was the most efficient way to deliver it.

The Water Authority representatives said Israelis get enough magnesium in their food and that even in countries like the United States, where magnesium consumption is very low, no magnesium deficiency has been reported in the population. Really?

Studies show that as many as half of all Americans do not consume enough magnesium. Magnesium deficits have been tied to allergies, asthma, attention deficit disorder, anxiety, heart disease, muscle cramps and other conditions.[2] – Massachusetts Institute of Technology

The latest government study shows a staggering 68% of Americans do not consume the recommended daily intake of magnesium. Even more frightening are data from this study showing that 19% of Americans do not consume even half of the government’s recommended daily intake of magnesium.[3] According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, nearly all of us fail to achieve even the modest magnesium RDAs of 420 mg for adult males and 320 mg for adult females. Most American adults ingest about 270 mg of magnesium a day, well below the RDA and enough to generate a substantial cumulative deficiency over months and years.[4]

In 1977-1978, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) conducted a Nationwide Food Consumption Survey that showed that the dietary intake of magnesium in the continental U.S. tends to be much lower than recommended. The pattern is illustrated in Table 1 shown below. Note that more than 37,000 individuals were surveyed (including all age groups from the newborn to the elderly), but that only 25% of these persons had a dietary magnesium intake that equaled or exceeded the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) proposed by the U.S. National Academy of Sciences. In contrast, 75% of the individuals did not meet the RDA criterion, and this group was about equally divided between those whose magnesium intake was 70-99% of the RDA and others with intakes that were less than 70% of the RDA. In particular, it must be emphasized that 39% of the subjects were in the latter category of lowest magnesium intakes.


The food supply has been steadily becoming magnesium-poor since 1909:[5]

There has been a steep decline of dietary magnesium in the United States, from a high of almost 500 mg/day at the turn of the last century to barely 175-225 mg/day today.[6] The National Academy of Sciences also has determined that most Americans are magnesium deficient. Their calculations are that men obtain only about 80% of their daily needs with women fairing even worse obtaining about 70% of their needs.[7]

The magnesium content of refined foods is very low. Most malnourished children do not die but are diminished physically and mentally. This is what the officials say. The World Bank estimates that stunting reduces the GDP (gross domestic product) of developing countries by between 2 and 3%. Children with stunted growth can have an IQ 15 points lower than that of a well-fed child.

They have this one correct: Life is diminished physically and mentally when people and children are malnourished and this leads to a life of suffering and pain. Approximately 85-95% of people do not take in adequate magnesium, and worse, foods they consume are laced with poisons, pesticides, fungicides, antibiotics, and even mercury. There is a nightmare in the making with high fructose corn syrup, which contains mercury, one of the most deadly substances on our planet.

How and why do I jump from 68% to 85 or 95%? Well you see, it’s simple math. All the calculations on magnesium deficiency are made with blood serum tests that are worthless. The body steals whatever magnesium it needs from the tissue cells first in order to keep the blood levels constant because if those magnesium blood levels fall, cardiac arrest occurs.

Food Just Not the Same

The nutritional hole just gets deeper and deeper and there are many reasons the nutritional value of foods has been dropping so much these past 50 years. We humans are not getting the same nutrition from the same foods as our forefathers because modem agricultural methods, including widespread use of NPK fertilizer, over-farming, loss of protective groundcover and trees, and lack of humus have made soils vulnerable to erosion. The result is a reduced nutrient content of crops.

NPK fertilizer is highly acidic. It disrupts the pH (acid/alkaline) balance of the soil, as does acid rain. Acid conditions destroy soil microorganisms. It is the job of these microorganisms to transmute soil minerals into a form that is usable by plants. In the absence of these microbes, these minerals become locked up and unavailable to the plant. Stimulated by the NPK fertilizer, the plant grows, but it is deficient in vital trace minerals. In the absence of trace minerals, plants take up heavy metals (such as aluminum, mercury and lead) from the soil. Between 1950 and 1975, the calcium content in one cup of rice dropped 21%, and iron fell by 28.6%.

Diseases caused by nutrient deficiency are rare in the United States,” publishes the New York Times.[8] Yes, even the intellectual Times gets really low grades in the intelligence and truth department. Diseases caused by nutrient deficiency are so common that it would be highly unusual to see someone with a chronic illness without nutritional deficiency. Magnesium is just one example. Across the board the human race is starving for a full spectrum of nutrients whose lack cause severe physiological problems.

[3] King D, Mainous A 3rd, Geesey M, Woolson R. Dietary magnesium and C-reactive protein levels. J Am Coll Nutr. 2005 Jun 24(3):166-71.

[4] Ervin RB, Wang CY, Wright JD, Kennedy-Stephenson J. Dietary intake of selected minerals for the United States population: 1999-2000. Adv Data. 2004 Apr 27;(341):1-5.

[5] Paul Mason. Violence Prevention through Magnesium-Rich Water. Healthy Water Association.

[6] Altura BM, Introduction: importance of Mg in physiology and medicine and the need for íon-selective electrodes. Scand J Clin Lab Invest Suppl, vol. 217, pp. 5-9, 1994

[7] Institute of Medicine, Dietary Reference Intake for Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Vitamin D and Flouride, National Academy Press, Washington DC, 1997


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Dr. Mark Sircus AC., OMD, DM (P)

Professor of Natural Oncology, Da Vinci Institute of Holistic Medicine
Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine
Founder of Natural Allopathic Medicine

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