Treating Ebola and other Infectious Diseases with Natural Allopathic


Treating Ebola and Other Infectious Diseases purpose is to avoid us witnessing the most horrible deaths that come with Ebola, nor the retraction of freedom when medical officials call for martial law all because of their ignorance and inattention to medical facts.

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Treating Ebola and Other Infectious Diseases’ purpose is to prevent us from witnessing the most horrible deaths that come with Ebola and the retraction of our freedom when medical officials call for martial law because of their ignorance and inattention to medical facts.

One planeload of sodium bicarbonate would probably do more for the local populations then will all the doctors sweating profusely in their protective suits. Add in other planeloads of iodine, magnesium chloride, selenium and liposomal vitamin C and we can probably expect to see a rapid change in the survival rate and a decrease in the hysteria that the medical media is whipping up.