John of God – The Shame of Brazil This has got to be one of the ugliest stories ever told. I would not be writing it if it were not for the fact that one of the victims of ...
Self-Images Perhaps the deepest block to the heart and to meaningful communication is self-image. When we become afraid to express ourselves for fear ...
Judgments Moralistic judgments are usually the result of some thwarted expectation or frustration we feel inside of ourselves. We have certain ideas...
Negative Identifications This ego defensive mechanism is more subtle and difficult to understand. Whereas rationalizations were centered on the intellects reasonin...
Rationalizations Rationalization is perhaps the most common and the easiest way to get our egos off the hook. Rationalization is a purely mental operation ...
Projecting On the Internet it becomes especially important to see how we project our internal perceptions on to others. We do this in face to face re...
Desire & Expectations Some people think that desire is at the root of evil. Since the whole universe, in a sense, runs on desire this might be considered an ove...
Basic Assumptions It is very important to see and understand how our entire world of experience is running on top of the sum total of all of our perceptions...
The Intelligence of our Feelings and Emotions Some people believe that emotions and "emotions alone" give meaning to life, that the ability to laugh or cry, to feel alternate...
The Grace of The Heart Doing Heart Health Both western medicine and modern psychology have not been able to come up with solid concepts that explain why some people recover from il...