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Green Level of Emotional Intelligence – Security Consciousness

Published on February 15, 2015

It is in the fourth brain or fourth chakra that we best see the close correlation between consciousness and matter because the secretion of hormones in the brain creates the emotions we mostly identify with as “me.” This is the center of the brain and that part of our consciousness that mixes all the signals in the brain and all the feelings and perceptions in our consciousness into a feeling of secure vs insecure.

The central location of the fourth chakra (brain hypothalamus and thalamus centers) is crucial to understanding its function in our awareness. It is the central focus for feelings that are coming from all the other levels of consciousness, from all the colors.

The color of our security center is green. Both Christopher Hills and Dr. Max Luscher confirmed through separate approaches a truth that is evidenced also in language. “Green with envy,” for example, represents what happens to the skin color when a person flashes deep insecurity.

This green level security center represents the universal need in nature to gather from the environment wellbeing, sustenance, love, energy, and all those things that makes life possible. It is the basic drive of green plants, to reach for the light. Humans, instead of reaching for the light reach out for another person with which they hope to complete themselves. Or they spend lots of time going after money thinking it will bring them security in this emotional center but no matter how much they make it is never enough.

When there is a hole in the security center it is very difficult to repair it. Many souls are crushed from the severe lack of love from their parents and this leaves them with a deep and penetrating sense of insecurity that they seek to fill up in many ways.

Plants love to turn toward the light, they stretch for it, and so do we. We want to gather all that love, that sustenance, the energy in our relationships. It is a natural drive yet on the deepest level most often frustrated in childhood and few are the beings that are brave enough to go back into this part of being and heal it.

The key word for this center is security vs. insecurity. Expressed in terms of the chakra energies we see that the fourth chakra regulates the energy or life force of all the chakras. It is also the barometer or something like a sluice valve. When something is happening on one of the other levels, the green level responds according to “its” present state of security or insecurity. If we are processing a deep decision on the yellow level that process is passed through the security center to check out our feelings and the implication for future feelings.

This is the area where we feel threatened or confirmed in our
being because this is where we “feel” our being or sense of self.

Many years ago I wrote in mbook that simple movements into the heart center of feeling can provide breakthroughs and release of emotional blocks. Though it takes effort to shift into our hearts it is still the shortest line between two points. Anything that directly increases a person’s capacity to feel and face difficult feelings and emotions will increase overall health.

The healthy human heart needs warmth, is warmth and can
give warmth to others. The deeper we dive into the heart
and open to its super intelligent ways the more balanced,
coherent, and healthy our bodies, minds and emotions become.

Marketing firms have long understood that the use of certain colors evokes emotional responses in many people. Without even realizing it, our mood everyday is affected by the colors that are used around us in signs, labels, packaging, room colors, lighting, and clothing colors. The color green is especially important for it sits at the center of the rainbow of life.

Green is life and signifies growth, renewal, health, and the natural environment. With both a warming and cooling effect, green denotes balance, harmony, and stability. Green is a restful color with some of the same calming attributes of blue. Currently the most popular decorating color, green symbolizes nature. It is the easiest color on the eye and can improve vision. It is a calming, refreshing color. People waiting to appear on TV sit in “green rooms” to relax. Hospitals often use green because it relaxes patients.

The origin of the word ‘green’ goes back to the old Teutonic root ‘grô’, meaning to grow. Plants use solar energy to convert carbon dioxide and water into life-giving oxygen and starch. The magic substance at the heart of this process called photosynthesis is the green pigment chlorophyll converting sunrays into other energy forms utilized in the complex chemical reactions. And at the center of chlorophyll is magnesium, which turns out to double as the best medicine for the heart while it doubles as the Lamp of Life,

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Positive healing effects of the color green were already recognized by Hildegard von Bingen, a famous medieval healer. Color Therapist Elizabeth Harper writes, “Green is useful for calming and balancing the heart, and is supposed to influence regeneration of cells and elimination of toxins.” In the late 19th century, Dr. Edwin Babbit published The Principles of Light and Color. This USA-based author attracted worldwide attention due to his theory of healing with color.

Dr. Max Luscher, a professor of psychology at Basle University in Switzerland, claimed that color preferences indicated the state of mind and glandular balance, and could be used for physical and psychological diagnosis. In 1948 he published his Luscher Color Test which offered doctors and psychologists a quick and easy and reliable test using color.

Optometrists and ophthalmologists of the College of Syntonic Optometry, as well as psychologists, like Steven Vasquez, and various other neuroscientists, have developed, researched, and supported the healing work with color. The greatest master of color and perceptual psychology was actually the same man who brought spirulina (spirulina is as green as it gets) to the world, Dr. Christopher Hills. In his works Nuclear Evolution and Rise of the Phoenix he laid out the complete spiritual psychology of light and color.

Green is the most restful color that exists. Blackboards in modern schools and pool tables are green because this color has pleasant effect on our eyes and contrasts nicely with other colors so we can concentrate on the essential. The color green has a wide variety of effects. People report that the color makes them feel happy, optimistic, and connected with the earth, content and calm, feel free and that I can do anything I want to do, feel soothed by green, makes me feel alive, bright, feel relieved, calm, comfortable. Green is a calming color; it makes people feel serene, peaceful, but not necessarily happy. If green is not the correct color to apply to a particular child, instead of these positive effects we will get a reaction that will make it obvious this is not the correct color or that a child is just not ready for it.

Research conducted at Washington State University and published in the journal Horttechology suggests that people in rooms with a lot of greenery can tolerate more physical pain than those in surroundings without any plants. 200 people were tested for how long they could keep their hands submerged in ice water. The findings reinforce previous studies that found that people work more efficiently when they can see houseplants, and patients recover more quickly from surgery and use fewer drugs when they are in a room with a green view.

Green Level Negative Personality Traits

· Expects confirmation from others

· Unable to enforce will

· Financially insecure

· Emotionally insecure

· Uncertain

· Miserly

· Hoarding of materials and/or knowledge

· Needs self-confirmation

· Wants to possess that which is loved

· Drives to obtain wealth

· Needs recognition from others

· Focused on self

· Proud of possessions

· Selfish with possessions

· Possessive

· Jealous

· Self-doubting

· Attached

· Envious

· Mistrustful of life

· Blames others for own failures

Needs love and care

In a world that has largely betrayed the essence qualities the color green represents; in a cold sterile world where the sensitivity and vulnerability of being are hardly understood; where doctors routinely betray these qualities of being during child delivery and after with vaccines loaded with chemical poisons, it behooves parents to compensate with massive attention to the color green and the kind of therapeutic healing touch that generates it.

In my work, at least half of the students with reported reading or
copying problems show an immediate improvement when they find and
use the appropriate color. One in ten of these students absolutely
>need color for reading, writing and copying virtually all of the time.
Judith Sweeney[1]

The Irlen Institute[2] and 84 affiliated clinics throughout the world offer services for individuals suffering from sensory overload. The patented Irlen Method utilizes colored filters worn as glasses to reduce or eliminate perceptual sensitivity and sensory overload. The use of color to eliminate perceptual problems began as a federal research project in 1981.

From Christopher Hills Rise of the Phoenix:

The time framework for the heart center is past, present and future since our feelings of insecurity respond to all three lower brains and go back and forth in time in a linear fashion very much like the third brain. The third brain, arranging things in the logic of past, present, and future appears more mechanical, but really the fourth brain is just as much a computer even though it may not seem so because it is shifting in the realm of feelings. The difference between the shifting time worlds of the third level from the fourth level can be explained by an example we are all familiar with.

Let’s say you fall in love. You want to possess the love object for yourself very much. The possessive feeling mounts to an obsessive desire. Even when the love object is away, the heart center grows fonder and founder of the missing love object. As long as you know he or she is still yours and there is no competition you feel reasonably secure and elated at being in love. But if your hear your loved is seeing someone else or even if you see him or her look at someone else in a certain way you feel a threat to your well-being. Flutters of insecurity go up an down your solar plexus which controls level three, and a dull ache begins to accumulate on your sternum bone in the region of the heart. This love pain brings stress that creates emotional insecurity on all other levels of being, so that life begins to be very painful. In fact the pain of a bleeding heart far exceeds that of a bleeding body. At this level of threat, your time world suddenly shifts from the bliss of possessing the love object in the now and projects into the future which appears bleak at the thought of loss. All of this brings a feeling of insecurity about the future and we begin to imagine what it would be like to live without our loved one. Ninety percent of all songs on the radio refer in some way either to this feeling of pain or to the instant bliss of possession.

So in essence green is vibrant with life force, love and healing energy. Positive green is secure, nurturing, self-assertive, powerful, generous and openhearted. When green is negative, it’s “green with envy”, jealous, possessive (MINE!), insecure, attached to possessions and love objects, mistrustful of life, and needing confirmation and reassurance from others. When the green level heart flows out, its generosity touches all it meets.

The Luscher Color Test

The green of the test contains a certain amount of blue and is the test-color representing the physiological condition of “elastic tension.” It expresses itself psychologically as the will in operation, as perseverance and tenacity. Blue-green is therefore an expression of firmness, and of constancy.

From Christopher Hills Nuclear Evolution:

Green Level Fear – Fear of Loss – It is at this level of security and attachment to things possessed that fear probably operates most powerfully.

Green Level Love – love of a secure condition, love of treasured things and people. Attached love. Most positive expression is seen in the acquisitive man who knows that one can only enjoy if there is no attachment. So he collects his rare and beautiful works of art but can let them go tomorrow. And the true lover wants the entire world to love what he loves, so jealousy dies and fear of loss is frizzled up in love’s all-consuming fire of union with all.

Green Aggression – Here aggression moves up from just hitting a person or trying to dominate them intellectually to possessiveness and jealousy. Here a feeling of insecurity comes over a person, and he feels he is going to lose something. If you found your wife in the arms of another you might beat her, right? Why, because you try to control her and prevent her from going somewhere else. This is so you can feel secure. Anger gets transferred to a sense of possessiveness. This is aggression. Such a person is aggressively seeking that which will give him a feeling that he has what he wants. Jealousy wants to possess for yourself what you’re not sure of. It is certainly not letting things be as they are, and not to allow freedom to be – that’s aggression! Aggression wants things the way we want them.

Green and Autism

If we could only open these kids’ hearts, many
of their problems with social isolation would vanish.
Dr. Jaquelyn McCandless

Research into the relationship between the color green and autism showed that the color was related to speech skill activity and that ample green showed balance, fewer emotional impulses, and a simple uncomplicated nature.

This is important for increased movements into the depths of heart felt feelings increases our capacity to care and to love, as well as improves our overall state of physical health and sense of well being. Of course the heart Dr. McCandless is talking about here is far more than a biological physical pump that mechanically beats billions of times within the context of a lifetime.

Just recently Dr. McCandless, author of Children with Starving Brains wrote me saying, “These kids (with autism) try to make sure nothing green ever passes their lips, and most hate vegetables, particularly green ones.” My first response to her was, “This translates to me to mean emotional intelligence shut down, separation, not wanting to be touched, not grounded, probably hypothalamic involvement.” So I asked her, “Does this make any sense to you? Does it fit in with your clinical experience?” Her response, “It does fit in, and describes autism to a T!” What I was hearing from Dr. McCandless was these kids are deficient in green and are actually actively rejecting green, the color they need the most.

[1] Onion Mountain Technology. I have noted certain tendencies for color preferences among some disability groups. These are just tendencies, but they provide teachers and therapists with “someplace to start.” For example, I have found: Students with ADD and ADHD in particular often prefer very stimulating colors like hot pink or fluorescent lime green. Many students with reading disabilities without an attention component prefer one of the blue filters. Students with autism who are using communication symbols often seem to attend and track from picture to picture better when the background (paper) color is yellow. Students with Down Syndrome often like to type on the computer with a red background. Students who need to self-monitor and keep themselves calm often choose light green or blue backgrounds or paper. Students with emotional problems very often chose dark color filters and backgrounds on the computer. Students with visual impairments are often drawn to yellow filters or yellow text on a navy or gray background on the computer.

[2] Helen Irlen of the Irlen Institute found that the use of special color filters helped some people who had consistently been unable to learn how to read easily and successfully. The use of colored pieces of clear plastic created a visual environment that allowed them to learn to read. Her color filters come in nine different shades. The filter is placed over the page of text and if the color is right for the user, he or she is finally able to see the text clearly, distinctly, and consistently. Eventually, Irlen also included the use of color in specially created eyeglasses.

Colour Psychology Series

You Are a Rainbow – Seven Levels of Intelligence

Red Orange Yellow Green
Blue Indigo Violet Purple
Black and White
Color Psychology

Dr. Mark Sircus AC., OMD, DM (P)

Professor of Natural Oncology, Da Vinci Institute of Holistic Medicine
Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine
Founder of Natural Allopathic Medicine

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