The Basic Causes of Cancer and other Diseases Of course, if we know the cause of our disease/pain we stand a much better chance of successfully doing something about it. There is an epi...
Avoid Mammograms like the Plague The truth is mammograms just don’t work. Mammograms are dangerous hurting women more than helping them yet doctors and their parent o...
Iodine for Breast Cancer Treatment The single most important nutrient to prevent or treat breast cancer is iodine. Women with a history of low iodine levels (hypothyroidism) face higher levels of cancer.
Iodine Supplements and Dosages What is Iodine used for? Iodine is necessary for the proper development of metabolism in humans and proper Iodine supplements can't be ignored.
Main Reasons Iodine Supplementation is Essential We knew a hundred years ago that we needed more iodine and governments started putting a tiny bit in table salt. It was not enough and after...
Treating Cancer with Sodium Bicarbonate – Good Idea or Not? Treating Cancer with Sodium Bicarbonate – Good Idea or Not? Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) is the least expensive, safest and perhaps most effective cancer medicine there is.
Treating Cancer with Voltage, Alkalinity and Oxygen Treating cancer with the triad of voltage, alkalinity and oxygen is an interesting new approach because it treats the fundamental reasons c...
Baking Soda and Lemon Juice Dr. Loyd Jenkins of the Budwig Center says, “If there is one thing you could do every day that would dramatically fight disease and i...
Can Cancer Really be Prevented? Time Magazine published and essay entitled ‘Can Most Cancer Really be Prevented.’ “We’re born with a certain number of genetic aberr...
A Revolution in Cancer Treatment Based on Using Immunotherapy Some doctors believe that medicine is entering a new phase in which cells will become living drugs. It is being called a third pillar of pha...