Bill Gates: The Ugliest Evil on Earth There is a sickness of the mind, a debilitating disease of the soul, that vexes the world's ruling class. However, some stick out as being e...
Feels like Global Warming, Right? Smashing Cold and Snow Records Nature is stepping in, spitting in the globalists' faces with record cold and snow, not heat. A record-setting winter storm is sweeping the ...
The Green New Scam Is Falling Apart Benevolent visionaries? Hardly. Bill Gates now faces legal action in the Netherlands over questionable vaccine practices. News outlets overl...
It Is Going to Be A Cold Election Season Climate change is a huge political football, so I find it very interesting and synchronistic that these last few weeks before the election w...
Global Warming Continues to Cool Would you believe that no matter how cold its getting there are still people who insist its happening because of global warming? Guo Hu, ...
The Day Global Warming Stood Still From the mainstream press we read, "As scientists confirm the earth has not warmed at all in the past decade, others wonder how this coul...