Hydrogen and Bicarbonate Led Treatments for Autism Chronic inflammation in the brains of autistic patients, resulting from an over-active immune system is a sign of autoimmunity. The inflamma...
Hydrogen Medicine Book Launch Hydrogen Medicine is a revolution that is sweeping across the world of medicine and health. What will be established is a strong pillar of m...
Hydrogen for Sports Medicine Molecular hydrogen is an innovative treatment for exercise-induced oxidative stress and sports injury, with solid potential for the improve...
Hydrogen for Surgery & ICU Medical gas is critical to the function of hospitals and many other healthcare facilities. Medical gas systems in hospitals a...
The CDC Never Learned Hydrogen Medicine for the Flu The CDC (Centers for Disease Control) never learns because they do not want to learn. And now that we are right in the middle of flu season...
Hydrogen Medicine Hydrogen Medicine is a revolution that is going to sweep across the world of medicine as well as the anti-aging community. The administratio...
Hydrogen Medicine – Combining Oxygen with Hydrogen and CO2 The more difficult or dire the medical circumstance the more helpful hydrogen will be. Nothing will cool down the fires of inflammation and cellular irritation faster than high dosages of hydrogen gas and hydrogen infused water.
Molecular Hydrogen Dosages Molecular Hydrogen is an enticing gas molecule. It is small; however, it will play a big role in the future of medicine. It is already playi...