Iodine Protects Against Fluoride Toxicity The toxicity of modern life is impacting iodine levels and in the countries that fluoridate their water this impact is maximized. It is we...
Magnesium and Radiation Protection “In the years leading up to Chernobyl, some dairy farmers in Austria were using remineralization as a part of their operations. They a...
Pediatric Iodine "Are you ready for a world without antibiotics," runs the headline in the British Guardian. "Antibiotics are the bedrock of modern medicine....
Prostate Cancer – Treatment Choices Congress has not been willing to change the basic economics of health care nor is it interested in changing how medicine is practiced in the...
Principles and Practices of Transdermal Therapy Transdermal therapy is ideal for pain management as well as sports and pediatric medicine. In fact it is one of the best ways of administeri...
Iodine Deficiency Symptoms The analysis of “National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys” data of moderate to severe iodine deficiency is present no...