Fukushima Threatening Children with Thyroid Cancer Sometimes we writers wake up and read something that makes us want to turn into vengeful angels. In this case I want to swoop across the hum...
Iodine Is Essential for Everyone This book tells the iodine story that has become especially important as radiation levels increase because of the nuclear disaster in Japan....
Radioactive Currents and Winds There are all kinds of nuclear materials coming out of that Japanese plant but only a few of them are being measured. We hear about radioa...
Iodine and Radiation Insanity The news is so bad this Sunday morning that I don’t know what to do or write. I could try screaming but I am not the type… or cryi...
Real Doctors Have Real Things to Say Fortunately we have a medical diagnosis of the situation from a doctor who knows something about iodine and the necessity of taking more of ...
No Danger No Concern No Sanity On March 15 Michi Okugawa wrote, “The situation in Tokyo is getting worse. The number of people who are panicking is increasing with more ...