Beating Back Late Stage Infections (Cancer & Fungus) with Sodium Bicarbonate

Over 90, 000 people a year die from secondary infections in hospitals.


Candida A. When fungal colonization and mycotoxin contamination is maximal one finds cancergrowing and mestastizing at a maximal rate.

Sodium bicarbonate acts as a powerful, natural and safe antifungal agent,[1] which when combined with iodine, would probably cover the entire spectrum of microbial organisms. The efficacy of sodium bicarbonate against certain bacteria and fungi[2] has been documented. Its role as a disinfectant against viruses, however, is not generally known. Sodium bicarbonate at concentrations of 5% and above was found to be effective with 99.99% reduction viral titers on food contact surfaces within a contact time of 1 min.[3] Throughout this book we see reports of doctors using bicarbonate to defeat fungal infections.[4] But it was not until Dr. Simoncini came along though that the concept arose that what these doctors where unknowingly doing was cutting down the fungal fields of cancer.

Naturopath Walter Last had a lot of interesting things to say about cancer, fungi and pH conditions:

“Cancer cells start producing energy anaerobically similar to fungi. Also tumor cells begin to look like fungal cells.  Now the tumor is malignant but still contained. This situation may persist for years with the tumor slowly growing, shrinking, or becoming dormant for long periods, depending on the vitality of the body, the strength of the immune system, and especially the acid-alkaline balance or pH of the lymphatic system. The more the oxidative energy production of tumors is blocked the more lactic acid is produced, the more malignant they are, and the faster they grow and metastasize.”

“Cancer cells look, behave, metabolize and spread just like fungi. We can see this in comparison to Candida. Normally it is just harmless and possibly even beneficial intestinal yeast, but when it comes under existential pressure it transforms into a dangerous and invasive fungal form. It is the same with cancer cells. When tumors come under increasing pressure from a worsening microbial presence or from aggressive medical treatment then they become locally invasive and also tend to form distant metastases.”

“The trend in modern medicine is to remove even very small tumors. This causes already present dormant micro-metastases to spring into life years earlier than they would otherwise have done, leading to an earlier death (4), especially in younger individuals with strong inflammatory reactions. Whether conventional tumor treatment leads to metastasis does not depend on the size of the tumor or its conventionally assigned stage or malignancy but rather on the microbial condition of the blood and especially the lymphatic pH (acidity).”

“With the exception of the cancers caused by cut/cured/ fermented tobacco leaf, the cause of cancer is generally stated as being unknown. That statement is made invalid by the published research data collected and presented here. It documents that fungi and their mycotoxins cause virtually every type of human cancer in either animals or humans or in both,” reports Dr. A.V. Costantini from the W.H.O.[5]

Antibiotics increase the risk of incident and fatal breast cancer or any type of cancer.[6] This finding is also explained by the fact that many if not most of our antibiotics are derived from fungi – they are fungal byproducts, or “myco”-toxins. Remember how we get penicillin from the Penicillium mold? Or how we get alcohol from brewer’s yeast, or Saccharomyces cerevisiae? That’s right, alcohol – linked to 50 different types of cancer (Costantini, Fungalbionics Series. 1998-99) – is a mycotoxin. That same book by Costantini tell us that 2 or more cumulative month’s use of antibiotics in one’s life increases the risk of lymphoma by 40%. “Certainly, physicians would not believe such a risk exists for penicillin, an antibiotic given to billions of humans. However, it is by definition a mycotoxin and mycotoxins do cause cancer.” (Costantini, et al. 1998).

Both cancer cells and fungi can metabolize nutrients in the absence of oxygen (anaerobically). Both must have sugar in order to survive. Both can be impacted by antifungal medicines.[7] Both will die in the absence of sugar.[8]“Mycotoxins have proven to be very toxic and harmful, and it is no wonder that many inhabitants of mold-infested spaces are constantly ill. This illness is mainly upper respiratory tract infections, lethargy, constant headaches, nausea, and a general ill feeling. Inhabiting these living spaces for a considerable period may lead to cancer.”[9]

That metastatic cancer cells eat their way through the protective barriersof an organ and march away form their proper organ and overrunother tissues and organs describes yeast and fungus invasion perfectly.

Fungal overgrowth occurs because its natural competitors have been removed. Overgrowth happens with antibiotic usage. Pathogenic albicans (chronic candidiasis, more commonly known as candida or thrush) is generally caused by drug use – particularly antibiotic drug use, poor diet, lowered immunity, and metals like mercury from dental amalgams. Mercury will promote the growth of Candida, as it adsorbs the mercury. Candida cannot be effectively dealt with without dealing with the dental issues first (mercury issues). This is not an optional approach, but necessarily part of the primary approach when mercury contamination is involved. This is the reason this book does not claim that bicarbonate is a cancer cure, clearly it is a main part of treatment and can alone put cancer into remission. But if the underlying causes are not addressed the chances of the cancer coming back are quite high.

Two studies found an association between exposure tomercury and acute leukemia. On the basis of the available humanand animal data, the International Agency for Research on Cancerand the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has classifiedmethyl mercury as a “possible” human carcinogen.National Academy of Science

According to the observations made by the internationally recognized medical researcher, Dr. Yoshiaki Omura, all cancer cells have mercury in them. Since mercury is the second most toxic substance on this planet, its presence provides a strong initiating factor for disrupting cell function. Support for this idea comes from Dr Hans Nolte who states that, “The wave spectrum of mercury contains more than thirteen wavelengths, whereas only one or two frequencies or wavelengths are usually observed for the other heavy or noble metals.” It is Dr. Nolte’s belief that the many harmful effects of mercury could be explained to some degree on the basis of this great variety of wavelengths. Dr. Omura’s clinical observation concludes that one of the primary reasons cancer returns is because residual mercury reignites a pathological environment even after surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and alternative therapies report a positive effect.[11]

Heavy Metal Contamination promotes the growth of fungusinfections and are an essential etiology in their cause.

Dr. Klinghardt explains the hidden connection between such toxic buildup and the inflammatory infections that are principle aspects of heart diseases, saying“Toxic metals harm the cells of the body whereas the invading microorganisms can often thrive in a heavy metal environment. Research by Ludwig, Voll and others in Germany and Omura and I here in the US, show that microorganisms tend to set up their housekeeping in those body compartments that have the highest pollution with toxic metals. The body’s own immune cells are incapacitated in those areas whereas the microorganisms multiply and thrive in an undisturbed way.” He goes on to “suggest diagnosing and treating toxic metal residues in the body along with the appropriate treatment of the microorganisms. As long as compartmentalized toxic metals are present in the body, microorganisms have a fortress that cannot be conquered by antibiotics.” 

With any infection, especially one that continues forlong periods of time,, the body tries to seal off the infection. It does this by building a fibrous wall around the battle zone.

There are many things that can start the chain reaction that leads to cancer/fungus infections, but no matter what starts the chain reaction, part of the process involved a microbe penetrating inside a normal cell, thus breaking the Krebs Cycle and Electron Transport Chain (ETC). This makes the once normal cell anaerobic, and an anaerobic cell is defined to be cancerous.

Tumors are not distinquishable fromthe infections that inhabit them.

The Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre in East Melbourne has revealed three cancer patients have died from a fungal infection in its intensive care unit.[12] After a cycle of antibiotics use the candida/yeast/fungus overgrowth that comes in its wake becomes lethal.

Cancer is defined as malignant tumor of disorderly cells that have the potential of nearly unlimited growth. These uncontrolled cells expand locally and/or metastasize (spread destructively) to other tissues and organs. Clearly this can define a yeast or fungus colony as well as normal cells losing control of their own reproductive growth.


Fungus Infections of the Lungs

Medical scientists describe a variety of pulmonary conditions that can present with imaging features mimicking those of primary lung cancers. Despite the importance of all the causes they have emphasized the relevance of fungal infections as an important cause of pulmonary nodules and masses that can mimic lung cancer, especially in endemic areas.

Going et al. (1990) found that calcium oxalate crystals are present in calcifications found in the breast tissue of patients with breast cancer. Oxalic acid (calcium oxalate crystals) in the sputum or lung specimens of patients is also an indication of an Aspergillus infection of the lung. Oxalic acid is a powerful corrosive agent and oxalate salts are widely used for their cleaning and bleaching properties. Oxalic acid happens to be a mycotoxin which can be produced by a number of different fungal species. Some fungi produce such large amounts of oxalic acid that they are used for commercial production of the chemical. These calcium oxalate crystals are the same as the calcium oxalate found in breast cancers. The presence of oxalates in the breast is indicative of the presence of fungi interwoven within the stages of breast cancer development. Since humans do not make oxalic acid themselves, this is an appropriate conclusion.


A variety of fungal pulmonary infections can produce radiologic findings that mimic lung cancers. Distinguishing these infectious lesions from lung cancer remains challenging for radiologists and clinicians. In such cases, radiographic findings and clinical manifestations can be highly suggestive of lung cancer, and misdiagnosis can significantly delay the initiation of appropriate treatment.

According to The Home Medical Encyclopedia, in 1963 about one-half of all Americans suffered from an “unrecognized” systemic fungal condition. Far more Americans suffer from fungal infections today as antibiotics, hormone replacement therapies, and birth control pills continue to be consumed like candy. Thus more and more children are becoming infected with candidal meningitis or viral meningitis which means their systems are suffering under the weight of these poisons – these mycotoxins. While the gluten-free, casein free diet is a step in the right direction, it’s not enough. It is time we start focusing on conquering the systemic viral and fungal infections with the same substances that can destroy these same infections in the case of cancer.

In my practice I’ve noticed that clients who have chronic sub-clinical viral,bacterial or yeast/fungal infections accumulate and retain heavy metalsin their bodies. It’s interesting to note that these chronic infections bind to toxic metals so effectively that no chelating agent is able to remove them.Dr. Ted Edwards


83% of 25 people tested with a dark field microscope had various stages of systemic yeast infections in their blood. This means that the fungus is flowing everywhere throughout the body. This causes joint pain, stomach upset, allergies, reflux, and many other disorders that are misdiagnosed by conventional medicine. Dr. Marijah McCain identified the primary cause of death in cancer patients to be NOT the cancer itself, but fungal overgrowth.

[1]There has been considerable interest in the use of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate, NaHCO3) and potassium bicarbonate (KHCO3) to control powdery mildew and other fungal diseases of plants. The use of baking soda as a fungicide is not a new idea. In Alfred C. Hottes’ A Little Book of Climbing Plants, published in 1933 by the A.T. De La Mare Co. of New York, mention is made of using one ounce of baking soda per gallon of water to control powdery mildew (PM) on climbing roses. The author credits the idea to a Russian plant pathologist, A. de Yaczenski. In the August, 1985 issue of Organic Gardening magazine, a short article by Warren Shultz entitled “Recipe for Resistance” reports that researchers in Japan obtained effective control of PM on cucumbers, eggplants, and strawberries. They suggested weekly sprays of ¼ ounce baking soda per gallon of water. An article in the June, 1990 issue of Greenhouse Manager magazine summarizes the results of three years of testing baking soda as a fungicide for roses. Cornell University researcher Dr. R. Kenneth Horst observed suppression of PM and blackspot—both major problems for New York rose growers. Roses were sprayed every 3 to 4 days with a water solution of baking soda and insecticidal soap.

[2] Sodium Carbonate and Sodium bicarbonate were equal and superior to the other salts for control of green mold on oranges. Commun Agric Appl Biol Sci. 2007;72(4):773-7.

[3] International Journal of Food Microbiology. Volume 109, Issues 1-2, 25 May 2006, Pages 160-163. Virucidal efficacy of sodium bicarbonate on a food contact surface against feline calicivirus, a norovirus surrogate Yashpal S. Malik and Sagar M. Goyal. Department of Veterinary Population Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Minnesota. The virucidal efficacy of sodium bicarbonate was enhanced when it was used in combination with aldehydes or hydrogen peroxide.

[4] Prof. Bernard Paul said, “I have used the baking soda to stop the spread of the “powdery mildew fungus” on the grapevine at a time when the disease was going out of control! It did not cure the grapevine but did stop the spread of the disease.”


[6] Velicer C, et al. JAMA. Feb 2004. 18;291(7):827-35

[7] Medical Tribune: Treatment of Fungal Infections Led to Leukemia Remission. Sept 29, 1999; Mann, D. Antifungal agent lowers PSA levels, study finds. May 1, 1997. Medical Tribune

[8] Moore-Landecker, Fundamentals of Fungi, 4th ed. 1996; AND Shim, H. , et al. A unique glucose-dependent apoptotic pathway induced by c-Myc. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. 95;1511-1516. 1998

[9] Ochmanski, W., et al. Przegl Lek 2000;57(7-8):419-23

[10] The National Academies Press. Toxicological Effects of Methylmercury (2000) Commission on Life Sciences

[11] The Pathogenic Multi-potency of Mercury, Biological Therapy, Journal of Natural Medicine, Vol. VI, No. 3, June 198
