Far infrared bedding is comfortable, warm and bathes your body in far infrared rays. Far infrared has been shown to improve circulation, enhance the immune system, improves the skin and will help put you to sleep. Everyone I know who has one loves BioMats and many people sleep on them every night. Most people can’t imagine life without them after they have one. Ninety-five percent of people experience pain reduction, relaxation, rejuvenation, and mental and emotional ease in just 15 minutes.
“I’ve been suffering from numerous ailments for many years. Some of my problems were sleeping and insomnia, sinus, tonsillitis, leg cramps, arthritis (especially a swollen right knee), and hair thinning. I was worried of going bald! Sometimes daily, I would suffer with severe headaches, coughing and right shoulder pain. Numerous times I visited specialty doctors and massage therapists. I ended up spending a lot of time and money, and I never got better.”
“One day a friend introduced me to the BioMat. After I lay down for about 30 minutes, my back pain was relieved. I have been using the BioMat for one good month now and all of my symptoms are alleviated. I have good sleep and my sinus problems are gone. My blood pressure is normal and my hair has stopped falling out also.” Mila J. Chicago, IL
A BioMat will put you to sleep faster than just about anything else. You can sleep on them all night at low settings for deep relaxation, warmth and comfort, as you regenerate cellular energies all night. Instead of taking valuable time out of your day to do far infrared therapy you can make good use of sleep while promoting healthy relaxed sleeping patterns.