Your body-mass index, or BMI, represents your height and weight. It’s your obesity level. “As your weight increases, so does your resting heart rate — which makes sense, of course, because there’s more tissue to support, and the heart needs to work harder,” notes Emir-Farinas.
Reducing muscle mass and increasing adipose tissue is associated with a higher risk of morbidity and early mortality, this is a common situation when we stop exercising, have a poor eating habits or simply get older.
In an epidemiological study, 588,369 women and 457,785 American men over 30 years of age evaluated the relationship between body mass index (BMI) and the results showed significant increase in the risk of death from cardiovascular disease.[1]
Speaking of fat loss, there are 4 important life habits interlinked, which are physical exercise, eating, breathing patterns and sleep. Failure in any one of these habits will be compromising to health and fat burning.
Speaking of sleep, studies show that the poor-quality sleep increases the risk of developing obesity and other chronic non-communicable diseases; also has influence on eating habits by increasing the vulnerability of overeating with poor diet. Sleep disorders are related to increased cortisol with increased intra-abdominal adipose tissue, as well as low levels of serotonin, which may lead to increased consumption of simple carbohydrates in order to stimulate serotonin secretion.
Just two diet drinks a day raises the risk of dying young by a quarter, a major study reveals. Lovers of Diet Coke and Pepsi Max see their chances of being killed by a heart attack or stroke rocket by more than half, compared to those who avoid the stuff. The World Health Organization research found the dangers from guzzling artificially sweetened pop were up to three times greater than regular sugary drinks.
[1] COELHO, C. F.; BURINI, R. C. Atividade física para prevenção e tratamento das doenças crônicas não transmissíveis e da incapacidade funcional. Revista de Nutrição. Campinas, 22(6):937-946, nov/dez., 2009.