Oncologists concede cancer if often caused by infection, which are often caused by heavy metal contamination. According to the observations made by the internationally recognized medical researcher, Dr. Yoshiaki Omura, all cancer cells have mercury in them. The single greatest source of mercury contamination is mercury containing dental amalgum and doctors around the world still inject children with mercury containing vaccines.
Mercury vapors play havoc on the body through a host of means, the least of which is to feed the bacteria, fungi and yeasts that thrive on mercury. Mercury will promote the growth of Candida, which adsorbs the mercury. Some feel this is in part a defensive mechanism meaning the yeast cells are actually protecting the system from the toxicity of mercury but it comes at a high cost.
The list of organisms that have the highest affinity for toxic metalsreads like a “who’s who” of our typical human infectious diseases: fungi of the Candida species, streptococci, staphylococci, amoebas, etc.Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt
Candida (yeast) overgrowth, which is very difficult to get rid of, is also associated with mercury in the mouth. Dr. Tullio Simoncini insists cancer is intimately linked to Candida overgrowth and that life threatening tumors are actually fungi colonies sucking up all available nutrients. Certainly they are ‘like’ fungi colonies; both cancer and fungi are using fermentation for their energy requirements.
The yeast cell binds and absorbs its own weight in mercury and prevents it from entering the blood stream. Dr. J. Trowbridge has written in his book “The Yeast Syndrome,” that many doctors specializing in Candida treatment have reported to him that 98% of their patients with chronic Candida also had mercury toxicity.
In Nature we read, “Although viruses and bacteria grab more attention, fungi are the planet’s biggest killers. Of all the pathogens being tracked, fungi have caused more than 70% of the recorded global and regional extinctions, and now threaten amphibians, bats and bees. The Irish potato famine in the 1840s showed just how devastating such pathogens can be. Phytophthora infestans (an organism similar to and often grouped with fungi) wiped out as much as three-quarters of the potato crop in Ireland and led to the death of one million people.”
Dr. Luke Curtis reported on research that dealt with 27 lung “cancer” patients who were later diagnosed with lung “fungus” instead of lung cancer. “Fungal infection can present with clinical and radiological features that are indistinguishable from thoracic malignancy, such as lung nodules or masses.” Doctors who diagnose lung cancer are unaware of the fact that cancer mimics fungal infections.[1] Most physicians are unaware that common antibiotics in the end contribute to cancer and the rise of fungal infections because they destroy the normal intestinal flora that keep these kinds of infections under control. It is important to note that drugs and natural medicines like sodium bicarbonate, which help to kill fungus often help cancer patients as well.
[1] Fungal Infection Mimicking Lung Cancer – A Potential Cause of Misdiagnosis; Letter posted in American Journal of Roentgenology; Guimaraes et al; August 2013, Volume 201, Number 2; http://www.ajronline.org/doi/abs/10.2214/AJR.13.10568?journalCode=ajrhttp://www.ajronline.org/doi/abs/10.2214/AJR.13.10568?journalCode=ajr