For those whose cancer has metastasized, and is classified as terminal, the primary focus shifts towards the patient’s palliative care and comfort. Incurable cancers such as late-stage mesothelioma can cause a serious amount of discomfort due to the aggressive nature of the disease. While prescription opioids would be a fairly easy way of dealing with pain symptoms, the last thing any cancer patient wants to deal with is an addiction. After a terminal diagnosis has been given, it’s important a patient lives out their life, pain free with their family and loved ones.
CBD has become a potential option for patients wishing for relief without the fear of becoming dependent. In a 2012 study published by the National Center for Biotechnology Information, a trial group was randomized with a select number of patients being given Nabiximols, a now FDA approved CBD extract. The results of this study showed that Nabiximols in a low dosage was a useful add-on for patients whose pain could not solely be treated with opioids.
With Nabiximols being an FDA approved drug, further trials and research are able to be conducted on Nabiximols, and hopefully more data will prove the efficacy of this drug in treating pain for cancer patients. This drug has also shown to be very effective in treating patients with Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome, a disease that causes patients to experience seizures multiple times a day. The wide variety of diseases that CBD may have an impact on is exciting and researchers are just beginning to scratch the surface of its benefits.