Chelation therapy should not be separated from mineral therapy


Everyone who is magnesium deficient has a compromised system of detoxification and is more vulnerable to neurotoxins that are increasingly present in our foods and environment. Its deficiency has wide ranging effects and may be responsible for more diseases than any other nutrient. It is more important than calcium because without sufficient magnesium calcium becomes toxic.

In mineral therapy we understand that certain minerals are both the cause (when deficient) and cure of many diseases. Minerals help with everyday body processes, reduce risk of certain cancers, strengthen muscles and tissues, and help develop organs as well as keeping them from deteriorating. Minerals are essential for life, health, and happiness. Minerals are needed to maintain the delicate cellular fluid balance, to form bone and blood cells, to provide for electro-chemical nerve activity, and to regulate muscle tone and activity (including organ muscles like the heart, stomach, liver, etc.)

Magnesium (Mg) is the perfect place to start because not only does Mg help with chelation of heavy metals but at the same time it is nurturing and helping with hundreds of functions in the body meaning it will help people avoid exaggerated healing crises.

The same can be said for bicarbonates so that is a principle reason I either recommend magnesium bicarbonate or a product called pH Adjust, which I happen to take everyday (with clay) everyone morning to maintain my body as free from pollution as possible. However, although pH Adjust has some magnesium, it is not enough.

Bicarbonates are the first medicine to reach for when facing either acute or chronic toxicity and thus should always be used when doing chelation and detoxification. It is powerful enough to clear the kidneys of uranium toxicity and powerful enough to both mitigate the toxicity of chemotherapy. All processes in the body are pH sensitive including chelation and detoxification.


When I was writing 13 years ago my groundbreaking book Transdermal Magnesium Therapy, I called Daniel Reid, the author of The Tao of Detox, in Australia. I asked him about magnesium oil (magnesium chloride), a product that was applied directly onto the skin or put in one’s bath. His reply was simple, “It’s the best detoxification agent I know of.” At that time, only Dr. Norman Shealy was talking about how it could be used this way and the forms that were available back then were not pure enough for oral consumption.

Magnesium protects cells from aluminum, mercury, lead, cadmium, beryllium and nickel, which explains, in part, why re-mineralization is so essential for heavy metal detoxification and chelation. Magnesium is needed not only for the production of specific detoxification enzymes but is also important for energy production related to cell detoxification. A magnesium deficiency can affect virtually every system of the body.

Heavy metals like cadmium, lead, and mercury compete with nutritional magnesium, keeping it from availability to protect our cells. The healthy cell wall favors intake of nutrients and elimination of waste products and this is a principle reason magnesium is so important in detoxification and chelation.

In our age of toxicity, where we are all being poisoned by the chemicals in the air we breathe, the water we drink, the foods we eat, the surfaces we touch, and the medicines we take, we need more, not fewer, critical nutritional agents to help us detoxify our bodies and maintain our health.

For purposes of cellular detoxification and tissue purification, the most effective form of magnesium is magnesium chloride (magnesium oil), which has a strong excretory effect on toxins and stagnant energies stuck in the tissues of the body, drawing them out through the pores of the skin. Chloride is required to produce a large quantity of gastric acid each day and is also needed to stimulate starch-digesting enzymes.

That said there are plenty of other forms of magnesium. I personally like Dr. Carolyn Dean’s ionic form of magnesium and one of the best forms is magnesium bicarbonate, but that cannot be used transdermally like magnesium oil can.

Another reason magnesium chloride is a prime choice is that, “Chloride competes with bromide at the renal level and increases the renal clearance of bromide.[1] It has been suggested that patients require iodine therapy to bring post loading urine bromide levels down and that is just one of many reasons would always recommend iodine.

Dr. Boyd Haley indicates that magnesium in its relationship to ATP provides the crucial energy to remove each toxic substance. Magnesium appears to be a competitive inhibitor of lead and cadmium. As such, increased level of magnesium has been shown to eliminate lead and cadmium through the urine and has also been reported to reduce the toxic effects of aluminum.

[1] Rauws, A.G., Pharmacokinetics of Bromide Ion-An Overview. Fd. Chem. Toxic., 21:379-382, 1983