Fighting Cancer, Radiation and Other Diseases with Hemp Oil

Rick Simpson, the man in Canada that has helped many cancer sufferers with THC-laden hemp oil said, “If used properly, high quality hemp oil can provide a solution that will be of help to mankind in alleviating the effects of increasing radiation. Through my experience with the use of this oil, I have found that there is nothing more effective or more harmless that can reduce the damage caused by radiation.”

“I have seen patients suffering from cancer who were badly damaged by the effects of radiation treatments and who were able to completely eliminate the damage in a short time. Some who have come to me that had radiation treatments were burned so badly by its effects that their skin looked like red leather. After ingesting the Hemp oil treatmenttheir skin went back to its normal healthy state and the radiation burns disappeared completely. If the oil can do this for someone that was badly damaged by such so-called medical treatments, would its use not be effective to combat the effects of the radiation now emanating from Japan? Now with the menace that all this escaping radiation presents, we would have to be insane to turn our backs on the use of hemp extracts to help us all deal with this situation.”