In Nature we read, “Although viruses and bacteria grab more attention, fungi are the planet’s biggest killers. Of all the pathogens being tracked, fungi have caused more than 70% of the recorded global and regional extinctions, and now threaten amphibians, bats and bees. The Irish potato famine in the 1840s showed just how devastating such pathogens can be. Phytophthora infestans (an organism similar to and often grouped with fungi) wiped out as much as three-quarters of the potato crop in Ireland and led to the death of one million people.”
Dr. Elmer Cranton, says that, “Yeast overgrowth is partly iatrogenic (caused by the medical profession) and can be caused by antibiotics.” Fungi (e.g. Aspergillus fumigatus) are not affected by antibiotics and neither are viruses. If not given correct treatment (anti-fungal medication) the prognosis is that 50% of those infected will die inside five years. In fact the overuse of antibiotics leads to fungal infections.