Human Photosynthesis


The story of light and biological life begins with water. Not only is the water in our cells sensitive to light so is everything else including our genetic material. The cells respond with hypersensitivity to influences that come from outside the cell. According to a leading researcher of biophotons, German biophysicist Fritz-Albert Popp, light is constantly being absorbed and remitted by DNA molecules within each cell’s nucleus.

Few know that water mediates the interaction between radiant energy and physical existence by allowing itself to be structured by light energy. Water is light sensitive meaning we are light sensitive in a sense that goes well beyond the generation of Vitamin D.

Dr. Gerald Pollack - Photo by Erin Lodi

In his 2001 book Cells, Gels and the Engines of Life Dr. Gerald Pollack, professor of bioengineering, at the University of Washington redefined our understanding of health and medicine as well as the interaction between water and light. He investigated the energetics and structure of water and came up with the concept of water acting similar to batteries. He said, “You can’t just get something for nothing, there has to be energy that charges it,” Pollack said. “This puzzled us for several years, and finally we found the answer: it’s light. It was a real surprise. So if you take one of these surfaces next to water, and you see the battery right next to it, and you shine light on it, the battery gets stronger. It’s a very powerful effect.”

“I’m suggesting that inside your body you actually have these little batteries, and, remember, the batteries are fueled by light,” Pollack said. “Why don’t we photosynthesize? And the answer is, probably we do. It may not be the main mechanism for getting energy, but it certainly could be one of them. In some ways, we may be more like plants and bacteria than we really think.”

“It turns out that liquid crystalline water and sunlight are practically all we need for energy and life. Just add sunlight for energy and life,” writes Dr. Mae-Wan Ho.