Dr. Burton M. Berkson, who was licenced by the FDA to study intravenous use of ALA described the long-term survival of a patient with pancreatic cancer without any toxic adverse effects. The treatment regimen includes the intravenous lipoic acid and low-dose naltrexone (ALA-N) protocol and a healthy lifestyle program. The patient was told by a reputable university oncology center in October 2002 that there was little hope for his survival. As of January 2006, he was back at work, free from symptoms, and without appreciable progression of his malignancy.
There are treatment designs that demonstrate the possibilities of extending the life of a patient who would be customarily considered to be terminal. Dr. Berkson writes, “People with metastatic pancreatic cancer more often die from their disease or complications thereof within 6 months and usually after a very stressful and painful course.”