Oral supplementation and a healthy diet alone may not achieve the desired medical muscle to resolve diseased conditions. “When vitamins are delivered intravenously they reach the blood faster than when taken orally. Many people who receive the infusions report feeling healthy immediately afterward,” said Dr. Robert Graham, an internist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York.
Intravenous medicine provides a method of increasing nutrient absorption so that the body can become healthy enough to heal itself. Intravenous medicine is a safe and effective therapy using natural substances in high quantities, which enables accelerated healing for optimal health. Much higher nutrient concentration levels can be achieved by the intravenous route without the side effects that occur by the oral route.
There is a therapeutic catch-22 in cellular health: The cells need to be healthy enough to have enough energy to bring in the nutrients required for repair, but a sick cell may not be able to do so even if those nutrients are around. In order to have a therapeutic effect, nutrients need to be adequately absorbed and delivered to the cell. Intravenous administration of nutrients provides a “kick-start” by making nutrients more readily available and easier to transport inside the cells. By providing higher nutrient concentration in the blood than what can be achieved orally, cells are no longer reliant on energy-dependent mechanisms to transport nutrients inside. Nutrients can enter cells via “passive transport” requiring less energy than “active transport.”
When foods and supplements are taken orally, the gastrointestinal track breaks them down to release the core nutrients and transport those nutrients to the blood for delivery to the cells requiring them. This requires many steps and is dependent on numerous variables being intact, including optimal enzyme activity, proper acid production, healthy gut flora, healthy gastrointestinal lining free of inflammation and irritation, absence of “bad” bacteria, healthy peristaltic tone (pumping action of the GI tract), and others.
After nutrients are transported to the blood, they are then delivered to the liver. A compromised liver can make certain nutrients inactive, ineffective, or bound for excretion before given the opportunity to have their effect in the body.
Administering vitamins and minerals intravenously helps avoid many of the problems of taking large doses by mouth. IV therapy helps correct low nutrient levels more quickly and without the potential side effects like diarrhea and heartburn that often accompany oral doses of vitamins and minerals.
Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant found predominately in the brain and liver. When given intravenously it improves liver and brain function.
Though nutrients may have numerous effects on the body, some of these effects are attained only after reaching very high levels. For example, vitamin C has been demonstrated to have an antiviral effect at high serum concentrations of 10-15 mg/dL. These levels are not achievable via the oral route even in a healthy individual. The highest plasma concentration achieved through oral administration of vitamin C is 9.2 mg/dL. This means that no matter how much vitamin C someone ingests, they will be unable to raise their blood levels beyond a certain point.
A high dose of 2.5 grams/day of vitamin C will raise the serum concentration to only about 1.2-1.5 mg/dl. Even if we could achieve higher serum concentrations from super-dosing of vitamin C, such high oral dosing often causes disagreeable gastrointestinal side effects such as diarrhea and nausea. A similar effect is found with magnesium supplementation, where oral supplementation has a peak serum concentration beyond which even super-dosing with oral magnesium cannot surpass.
Nutrients delivered intravenously provide high enough concentrations to elicit a pharmacological (drug-like) effect on cells, which can only be achieved at such high levels. For example, vitamin C can have a viral killing effect but only at very high plasma concentrations. Thus, IVNT (intravenous nutrient therapy) allows for natural substances to have a drug-like effect without the side effects and dangers of using synthetic and toxic drugs!
Amino acids, glutathione, vitamin C, Myers’ cocktail (B complex, vitamin C, magnesium, dexpenthanol B5, calcium, B12, B6), phosphatidylcholine, chelating agents, sodium bicarbonate, minerals, multi-vitamins, antioxidants, herbal and homeopathic medicines all have been applied intravenously. IV infusion is an effective way to administer nutrients and other medications when disease or treatment side effects limit your ability to swallow pills or liquids.