Dietary iodine insufficiency represents a plausible explanation for the increasing incidence of breast cancer in young women with distant metastasis.[1] This strongly suggests that iodine should be part of any treatment plan for breast cancer and cancer in general.
Dr. David Derry said, “Lugol’s solution is an iodine-in-water solution used by the medical profession for 200 years. One drop (6.5 mg per drop) of Lugol’s daily in water, orange juice or milk will gradually eliminate the first phase of the cancer development namely fibrocystic disease of the breast so no new cancers can start. It also will kill abnormal cells floating around in the body at remote sites from the original cancer. This approach appears to work for prostate cancer as prostate cancer is similar to breast cancer in many respects. Indeed, it likely will help with most cancers. Also higher doses of iodine are required for inflammatory breast cancer. As well we know that large doses of intravenous iodine are harmless which makes one wonder what effect this would have on cancer growth.”
I would suggest much higher dosages than Dr. Derry and so would Dr. Brownstein.
[1] J Cancer 2017; 8(2):174-177. Changes in Dietary Iodine Explains Increasing Incidence of Breast Cancer with Distant Involvement in Young Women