Light Machines Stand in for the Sun

The sun is the ultimate healing light yet most of us to not get enough of it. So we need different medical/health devices that can imitate different aspects of the sun. If we cannot get enough sun we have no choice but to supplement yet taking vitamin D3 is not our first choice.

People in hospitals who cannot get out into the sun. Those who live in latitudes where the sun disappears for months at a time develop vitamin D deficiencies. for those where the weather does not permit healthy sun exposure and for those who work in offices all day we have to find solutions that make up for solar deficiency.

There are several medical health devices we need to review. First we will touch on simple UV light arrays that stimulate Vitamin D production naturally. Second we will discuss what Red light and near infrared light can do for the seriously ill and then we will conclude with a discussion on infrared that has the power to warm us from the inside out thus raising core body temperature and the immune system. When all else fails in terms of light absorption we can rely on supplementing with vitamin D3.

LED Red Light Therapy is good because there is no ultraviolet light to burn the skin. Best results for cancer patients would probably be a combination of using UBV light, high dose D3 supplementation combined with LED light therapy but one should never neglect, if possible, real sun exposure to receive full spectrum light.

If one wants health or to recover from cancer and make sure it does not reoccur, make a religion of going out into the sun without sunscreen protectors. However, for fast results, see if there is a practitioner near you with a LED Red Light Therapy bed in your area. The two different companies that have machines have practitioner search pages here and here. For optimal high dose vitamin D supplementation see here. Or better yet buy your own LED lights. (See Platinum LED BIOMAX lights below)

The most simple to talk about is a lamp to produce UV light that the body turns into vitamin D. Though an investment of approximately 500 dollars it should be known that there is some controversy over the safety and effectiveness of D3 oral supplementation.

For a number of reasons, most of us find it challenging to spend hours in the sun—at the right time of day—on a regular basis. Either we live in an area with limited sunlight for large portions of the year, or our busy schedules just don’t allow for more time in the sun. In fact, it’s estimated that Americans spend 93% of their time indoors.