Light Treatments

“Poor light exposure may explain the deleterious metabolic and hormonal alterations; such as insulin resistance, deficiencies of estrogen, thyroxin and vitamin-D conferring excessive cancer risk. The more northern the location of an adoptive country the higher the cancer risk for dark skinned immigrants. Recognition of the deleterious systemic effects of darkness and excessive melatonin synthesis enables cancer protection treatment for people living in light deficient environments,” said researchers at the National Institute of Oncology, Surgical and Molecular Tumor Pathology Centre.[1]

Taking a daily 10 to 15 minute walk in the sunnot only clears your head, relieves stress and increasescirculation – it could also cut your risk of breast cancer in half.Dr. Esther John

Dr. Joan Lappe and her colleagues looked prospectively at more than 400 postmenopausal women over a four-year period of time. Women in the study group were given 1100 IU of vitamin D and 1000 mg of calcium daily. The control group did not receive this. Results: Women who took the vitamin D and calcium reduced their rate of cancer by 60%. The authors found that for every 10 ng/ml increase in a woman’s vitamin D blood level, the relative risk of cancer dropped by 35%.


The optimal blood serum value for vitamin Dis 45-52 ng/ml (115-128 nmol/l).

[1] Recent Patents on Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery, 2012, 7, 337-344 337

Light Deficiency Confers Breast Cancer Risk by Endocrine Disorders