NBMI can be used when there is still dental amalgam in your mouth. It is fat soluble so should be mixed with fats like ghee, olive oil, coconut oil for oral consumption. Most people swallow it while others place it under the tongue. For transdermal use mix it with oil and rub on the skin. It would be desirable to have a fine powder to make this more effective. Larger granules are likely to result in poorer absorption. Boyd Haley says it dissolves well in emu oil. Some people dissolve in DMSO, then mix that with oil and rub on the skin. This is assumed to give better absorption.
The experience is that some manage better in the morning as they have more energy after they take it. For others, it makes them tired so they take it at night. You need to experiment to see what is best for you.
Most people take it once a day, but some spread it out over the day. Ideally, an adult will be taking around 300mg per day. However, starting at this level can sometimes cause severe side-effects. Current experience is to start with a small amount at intervals to identify if there are any side-effects. If there are no side-effects, or after the side-effects have settled down, gradually increase the dose.
It is important to note that NBMI is still effective taking only small doses. Chelation will be slower but you still make progress with less side-effects.
If you are quite sick or think you are very mercury toxic, a reasonable amount to start with is 3-6mg every 2-3 days. Taking NBMI every day intensifies chelation symptoms. By taking it every 2-3 days to start, you will get an idea of how it affects you and allow any symptoms caused from NBMI binding mercury to settle down. If that is tolerated without too many side-effects, try more often, say every second day then every day, then twice a day. Only when you can tolerate this, increase the dose SLOWLY.
Since NBMI will grab on to minerals other than mercury and lead, mineral supplements should be taken away from when NBMI is taken because NBMI can potentially lower levels of minerals in the body. Taking them at the same time as NBMI may lead to the NBMI attaching to those minerals instead of to the heavy metals, reducing its effectiveness. Since NBMI will grab on to many minerals as it encounters them, it is likely to grab nutrient minerals in the food so take it away from meals.
Some people don’t have the proper enzyme pathway to break down sulfite to sulfate. Molybdenum is an essential part of this pathway. You can probably work out if you are low by what you eat. Legumes, such as beans, lentils, and peas, are the richest sources of molybdenum. Grain products and nuts are considered good sources, while animal products, fruit, and many vegetables are generally low in molybdenum.