Mineral Deficiencies

According to the National Foundation for Cancer Research the value of minerals as part of an anticancer diet is frequently overlooked. The heart of Natural Allopathic medicine revolves around using highly concentrated mineral medicines in much the same way they might be used in emergency departments and ICU units but instead of using them briefly to save a life we use them intensely every day to defeat cancer.

Minerals can play a vital role in fighting cancer. A prime example is the mineral selenium, which has powerful antioxidant properties. Selenium (Se) is an essential micro-nutrient with important biological and biochemical functions in organisms because of its unique antioxidant properties and its ability to regulate thyroid gland metabolism. It is well known that Se is an antagonist that moderates the toxic effects of many heavy metals such as arsenic, cadmium, mercury, and lead in organisms.

Minerals are the building blocks of our bodies. They are required for body structure, fluid balance, protein structures and to produce hormones. They are a key for the health of every body system and function. They act as co-factors, catalysts or inhibitors of all enzymes in the body.Minerals help with everyday body processes, reduce risk of certain cancers, strengthen muscles and tissues, and help develop organs and tissues as well as keeping them from deteriorating.

Severe deficiencies in minerals are directly associated with higher incidence of cancer so it makes sense, no matter what cancer treatment you elect, to include concentrated forms of minerals, which we do in the Natural Allopathic protocol for cancer and all other diseases.   

White sugar, as well as other white foods like white rice, bread, salt and pasta create magnesium deficiencies and thus chronic inflammation in the body. Magnesium and other mineral deficiencies depress immune system strength, prevent cells from detoxifying—all helping the body slide slowly into cancer.

People who live in areas of selenium-rich or magnesium-rich soils are many times less likely to get cancer. In the low-selenium classification, three times as many people died from cancer as in the high-selenium classification. Several studies have shown an increased cancer rate in regions with low magnesium levels in soil and drinking water as well. In Egypt, where magnesium status is high the cancer rate was only about 10% of that in Europe and America.