Safely Diagnosing Breast Cancer

Women are beginning to embrace Breast Thermography because it is 100% safe & non-invasive early screening option along with lymphatic therapy to assist with reversing toxic symptoms in their breasts. Breast thermography can screen for indications of breast disease up to ten years before a mammogram, at the cell stage, when we can still halt and reverse indications of disease holistically. Thermal imaging reads abnormal heat generated by new blood vessel growth in the area of tumors as well as heat generated from other abnormalities that need not be cancer such as lymph congestion, fibrocystic symptoms and estrogen dominance.

Thermography can be used as part of an early detection program, which gives women of all ages the opportunity to increase their chances of detecting breast disease at a very early stage. Thermal Mammography has been shown to be the earliest and safest risk marker of physiologic breast abnormalities. Breast cancer is evidenced by increased vascular flow (blood flow) and increases in metabolism. This increase in blood flow is secondary to angiogenesis. Angiogenesis is growth of new blood vessels. Angiogenesis occurs before the tumor cells invade the surrounding tissues. Breast thermography is particularly useful during these early phases of rapid tumor growth that is not yet detectable by clinical exam or mammograms. Breast thermography has the potential to detect problems five to eight years before abnormalities can be seen with x-ray mammograms so we must ask why is the FDA now approving even more dangerous three dimensional mammograms?

The International Commission on Radiation Protection [ICRP] exists inpractice largely to play down the effects of radiation on human health,and to shield the nuclear industry from compensation claims from the public.

The International Academy of Thermography (IACT) insists that thermography is not a replacement for mammography because there is no one test that can detect 99-100% of all cancers. Therefore, no single test exists that can be used alone as an adequate screening or detection method for breast cancer. They say a physiological imaging procedure (thermography) cannot replace an anatomical imaging procedure (mammography). The two tests are “looking” for completely different pathological processes. Though thermography is far more sensitive than mammography the IACT cautions that some slow growing non-aggressive cancers will only be detected by mammography.

The ICRP and the IACT share offices, certainly they are promoting further radiation exposure. Recommending radiation is the same thing as recommending premature death because radiation is the death principle in action.

Imaging centers, borrowing a marketing approach that has swept the country, have begun offering “mammogram parties” to groups of women to encourage yearly checkups for breast cancer for women over 40. Creating “spa-like environments” mammogram imaging centers offer attractive chair massages, visits by cosmetics representatives and food. Obviously this is an extremely aggressive marketing maneuver to recover lost business after the federal Health and Human Services Department recommended that routine mammogram screenings be performed only once every two years, rather than every year, and also suggested that regular screenings could begin at age 50 instead of age 40. These new guidelines were roundly criticized by physicians and cancer experts and the American Cancer Society said that it would continue to advocate annual screening after age 40.