Slowing Cancer Down Safely

If we are not one of the lucky ones who have stumbled on a pathway to avoid cancer, and are freaking out after hearing the “C word,” take comfort that the majority of cancer diagnoses are not medical emergencies. It means we have time to study our options and decide calmly what we are going to do. Though we all die eventually we do not have to die from cancer even if it is at a late stage; though the later the state the more difficult the battle.The first 300 to 400 pages of Conquering Cancer is what every cancer patient needs to know. The knowledge gained will help soften the blow of the diagnosis and help one deal with all the conflicting advice that everyone will be so ready to give. Most importantly it will give cancer patients real hope that comes from medical knowledge and wisdom. We can set up, at reasonable low cost, an intensive care treatment center in our own homes, something we should do not matter what because we cannot live in a hospital or clinic for long without bankrupting ourselves and our families. Forget the old medical model, which will fall apart anyway, with any economic and financial collapse, and learn to take care of yourself and your loved ones at home, where there is no danger of contracting an antibiotic resistant infection. There are many strong substances that one can safely take at high levels, which will vastly reduce your chances of dying from cancer. Certainly we can slow cancer down. Glucose is the weakness of cancer cells. So is oxygen. We do not need to fight cancer head on with weapons of mass destruction (Chemo and radiation) if we exploit the weakness of cancer cells.

We can hit them under the belt from several sides at once slowing down their growth to the point of no growth, and then go for annihilation. Vanquishing cancer means killing them all, no prisoners taken and maintaining physiological conditions hostile to cancers return. We have not completely vanquished cancer unless we make sure that those cancer cells never come back.

Some medical scientists believe that if we slow the process of cancer by half we would not come down with cancer that can be diagnosed until we are over 100 years of age. This is a hint for those interested in prevention. The point is that it is not difficult to slow cancer down.

How many oncologists know or will tell you that something as simple as sodium bicarbonate makes it easy to slow down the progression of cancer cells and make them vulnerable to the killing effects of chemo, radiation, or in the case of natural oncology, vulnerable to a host of agents that can take cancer down?