Spirulina and other Superfoods


It is almost impossible to achieve 100 percent nutritional sufficiency in the modern world because of agricultural methods, decreased soil fertility, heavily-processed foods and increased biological stress due to toxic poisons, which surround us everywhere.

Spirulina is the ultimate survival food as well as one of the most useful medicinal items a person can have in their home. Spirulina is a super-food that has been shown to be effective in cases of radiation exposure as well as cancer. Spirulina offers advantages over most other foods. Comprised of over 65% vegetable protein, it has everything the body needs to survive and thrive.

When we talk about “green foods” we’re referring to a group of foods that include young cereal grasses like barley grass and wheat grass, as well as blue-green algae plants like spirulina and chlorella. Nutritionally, they are close cousins to dark green leafy vegetables, but offer far greater levels of “nutrient density.” In other words, an ounce of these concentrated green foods contains much more of the beneficial phytonutrients than what is found in an ounce of green vegetables.

Spirulina is effective in raising glutathione levels because it supplies glutamic acid, glycine, cystine, and methionine in easily absorbable forms. Cysteine and cystine are closely related. One cystine molecule is composed of two bonded cysteine molecules and each can convert to the other as required.