Doctors cannot tell the difference between those who survive and those who will die from their cancer so most doctors are forced to treat everyone the same. Of patients with stage three colon cancer, for example, half will be cured and never have to deal with their disease again. The other half will die within those five years. Doctors cannot tell the difference because they will not look under the hood of cancer, at its many causes, and the fundamental differences between people with mineral deficiencies, or who are breathing too fast or have their cells loaded with mercury and a plenitude of many environmental poisons or are just eating the worst diet imaginable.
The main idea of Natural Oncology is to maximize each person’s chance of beating their cancer. Listen to Dr. Dominic D’Agostino TED talk present important basic research with Navy Seals that ends up suggesting a combination of using high oxygen and a Ketogenic diet to Conquer Cancer. When we look at the scientific fact that these are two of cancers most vulnerable points, and insatiable need for glucose, which a Ketogenic diet starves, and that oxygen deficiency and mitochondria dysfunction is where most cancer begins, it makes perfect sense to combine oxygen and low sugar treatments.
“As a Pharmacist, I see first hand that those who do take supplements are far more cognizant about their health and body than those who do not. Unfortunately, most customers at pharmacies simply take pharmaceutical medications for what ails them, and never get to the root of the problem. They have more medical problems than you can imagine. Big pharma now trains pharmacists giving a lot of $$ to pharmacy schools. The ketogenic diet has Big Pharma worried that patients can reverse diabetes, begin to “starve” cancer, and actually live on a low carbohydrate lifestyle. Witness the negative “warnings” about low carbohydrates and ketogenic articles which have false information (dis-information). The food industry, and the medical industry have led us to believe that 300 grams of carbohydrates daily is what should be, while this develops obesity and diabetes over a period of years. All one can do with this is chase the carbs with an insulin needle.”
I am not promoting the Ketogenic diet as a cancer cure but it does make sense if radical healing is one’s goal. There is controversy about everything, especially about diet so would like you to listen to another brilliant doctor, Dr. Nicolas Gonzalez talk about Ketogenic diet.
When it comes to food and diet it is important to maintain balance. It is my assertion that there is no single cure for cancer, no single therapy, drug, diet or medical process that will cure everyone’s cancer. But we can cure cancer! Millions have beat it. One of the central questions and difficulties is, who do you trust to help you beat your cancer?
One of the worst things about living in the 21st century is the doubt that creeps up from hearing and reading so many conflicting opinions on cancer, diet and just about everything else. Much of this is deliberate because one side of each issue goes to war with the other. Oncologists think nothing matters except their chemo and radiation treatments and to them diet and supplements add up to nothing.
Everyone thinks they are right and many aggressively attack opposing positions. We even have battles over something as simple as sodium bicarbonate. When it comes to diet the battle heats up but there are easily identifiable guidelines we will discuss in the lesson Nutritional Stress as a Cause of Cancer.
One important person to listen to about diet and fats is Dr. Johanna Budwig. Her Budwig Diet is an anticancer treatment developed in the 1950s. The diet consists of multiple daily servings of flaxseed oil and cottage cheese, as well as vegetables, fruits and juices. Processed foods, meats, most dairy products and sugar are prohibited.
Johanna Budwig(1909-2003)
Proponents call her the “Grand Dame of Science.” They claim that she was a “a top European cancer research scientist, biochemist, blood specialist, pharmacologist, and physicist.” They also state that she was nominated for the Nobel Prize six or seven times.
Her work is based on complicated biochemistry about triple unsaturated fatty acids, which are in linolenic acid, which have 18 links and have a strong electronic energy. She discovered that the highest electron collection is with the combination of linoleic-linolenic fatty acids in flax oil. The combination of double unsaturated linoleic acid with triple unsaturated linolenic acid is particularly well-combined in flaxseed. These fats provide a high degree of energy that she asserts heals cancer or does not allow it to occur. Healthy fats are ‘fuel’ for the mitochondria. Healthy fats also protect the mitochondria by providing anti-inflammatory support.
Modern science suggests this might be especially important for cancer of the breast. This is because flaxseed is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, alpha-linolenic acid, lignans, and fiber. One of the main components of flaxseed is the lignans.
In the human body, these particular lignans turn into two other active substances (enterolactone and enterodiol). These molecules are similar in shape to the female hormone estrogen. Thus, they bind to same receptors on the surface of cancer cells as estrogen does. In the laboratory, they decrease the growth rate of cancer. Since about 80 percent of breast cancers are sensitive to estrogen (abbreviated ER+), blocking estrogen has become a time-honored technique for slowing breast cancer growth.
In 2017, the Italian scientists explained: “It has been shown that flaxseed and/or its oil inhibit the formation of colon, breast, skin, and lung tumors, reduce blood vessel cell formation in female rats, thus suggesting a protective effect against breast, colon and ovarian cancer.”
Diet mattersal. But we are all individuals and each cancer is an entity on to its own. I am not a dietitian and do not put out this or that is the best for everyone, as some people do, but there are general guidelines one should follow to increase one’s odds of Conquering Cancer.
The talk of the town is currently Dr. Steven Gundry’s The Plant Paradox, which claims the conventional advice of eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains is flawed and in many cases even harmful. In other words, according to Dr. Gundry, many of the foods you’ve been told were good for you contain substances that spark “chemical warfare” in your body and insidiously undermine your health over time.
Gluten, dairy, and sugar—the usual suspects—are fingered, but so is another component of many fruits, vegetables, legumes, and grains that many people haven’t heard of: lectins.
These little “splinters of protein,” as Dr. Gundry calls them, purportedly wreak havoc in the body, causing weight gain, “leaky gut,” cancer, and heart, brain, and autoimmune disease, as well as a slew of nuisances like acne, gas, morning stiffness, joint pain, migraines, and chronic pain and fatigue. In fact, lectins are so destructive that Dr. Gundry denounces them as the common cause for most health problems.
I mention all that he believes to highlight how brutal it can get in the war over who is right about diet. Dr. Gundry was a cardiologist, I guess he retired to be a diet guru but I found it funny in the above video his mention of white rice and no mention of magnesium, which is after all the Ultimate Heart Medicine.
I wrote him, “You say there cannot be 4 billion stupid people on the planet eating white rice. As a heart specialist I notice you say nothing about magnesium deficiencies, which all white foods would provoke. Would love your take on magnesium and why eating foods stippled of magnesium would be a good smart thing to do.” Still waiting for an answer.
Health researchers said this month they had found a troubling link between higher consumption of white rice and type 2 diabetes. “What we’ve found is white rice is likely to increase the risk of type 2 diabetes,” said Dr. Qi Sun of the Harvard School of Public Health.
In the studies carried out in China and Japan, those who ate most white rice were 55% more likely to develop the disease than those who ate the least. White rice is the dominant form of rice eaten in the world. Machines produce its polished look by hulling and milling, leaving a grain that is predominantly starch with very little nutrition at its best.
White rice, white sugar, white bread and white pasta are white because they are stripped of their mineral, vitamin and fiber content. These are actually poisonous foods for us because they actually cause magnesium deficiency. It is this magnesium deficiency that is driving up the incidence of diabetes to the pandemic level. Neither the researchers nor the medical media seem to think this fact is important enough to broadcast to the world.
There is not much science on the dangers of lectins but enough science to fill volumes on magnesium. Let this be a lesson about food and people’s thoughts about what to eat and not to eat. The point was made 2,500 years ago let thy food be thy medicine and it is true that food can make us sick as well as help us get well. The point though is, no one holds all the cards when it comes to nutrition and some get it completely wrong.
My wife and I are not diet fanatics though we could use more of that in our lives to live longer and be healthier. Through the years we have noticed from first hand experience that there are plenty of people we meet that are perfect with what they eat but do not enjoy perfect health nor perfect mind and emotions. Diet is not the answer to everything though it is obviously important for our health and well-being.