Vitamin D and the Sun

A 50,000 IU capsule costs as little as 21 cents, ($21 for a bottle of 100 capsules Amazon US ) This mega dose formula may be what a person needs to protect themselves from the ravages of viral infections. It is also what one wants to use if one has cancer, diabetes, MS and just about any other disease one can think of. Normally D3 is sold in 5,000 IU units but this product from Biotech has 50,000 IU units. Vitamin D lowers inflammations of the body, which are what Alzheimer’s, M.S., cancer and Parkinson’s patients are suffering from. 70% of people diagnosed with Parkinson’s are estimated to have low levels of vitamin D.

Taking one 50,000 IU capsule of Vitamin D3 every two weeks will result in 80% of adults bringing their blood levels to above 40 nanograms/ millliliter, an optimal level for good health. A 50,000 IU capsule is equivalent to the amount of vitamin D from sunbathing for 3 days in a sunny climate. You can take more 50,000 IU pills initially to feel the benefits more quickly.

50,000 IU

To feel benefits in a week

To Maintain 40 ng/ml


2 per day for 4 days

1 every 2 weeks

Adult – high risk

4 per day for 4 days

1 every week

*About 20% of adults are at  high risk for Vitamin D deficiency: especially those who are obese, pregnant, shut-in, avoid the sun, have dark skin, are senior, live far from the equator, or need to deal with an illness, injury, or surgery. They need at least 2 times more Vitamin D.

About 20% of adults are at high risk for Vitamin D deficiency: especially those who are obese, pregnant, shut-in, avoid the sun, have dark skin, are senior, live far from the equator, or need to deal with an illness, injury, or surgery. They need at least 2 times more Vitamin D. For more on dosages visit this site. Also for more on Vitamin D and influenza visit here. Please also see my essay on Vitamin D at:

One capsule of HPDI’s Vitamin D3 Plus contains 5,000 IU of vitamin D derived from highly purified and molecularly distilled fish liver oils. In addition, the product contains 1,000 IU of vitamin A also derived from highly purified and molecularly distilled fish liver oils and 10 mcg of vitamin K-2 from menaquinone-7. Vitamin D3 Plus is emulsified by the addition of a non-GMO soy lecithin that ensures excellent uptake by the body.

Follow directions of product used if using a vitamin D supplement. Be careful, if you take too much D3 along with too much calcium, your serum calcium may rise too high.

Spending 15 minutes in the actual sunshine daily, exposing as much skin as possible, will provide adequate vitamin D production if the angle of the sun is favorable enough though John Cannell of the Vitamin D council is now stating that a new study[1] is showing that this may not even be adequate. In a study conducted between October and November of 2012 at latitude 37 degrees north, about the latitude of Washington, DC, the initial mean 25(OH)D levels were 11 ng/ml and no woman had levels greater than 20 ng/ml to begin the study. The women were told to get 20 minutes of midday sun exposure on their hands, forearms and face every weekday for four weeks. Facial sunblock and sunglasses were permitted.

Home testing for vitamin D levels can be obtained without a prescription from the Vitamin D Council.
