Water Temperature


Many of the stimulating benefits of hot springs water are temperature dependent. In Japan at the famous Kusatsu hot spring, a 3-minute 125° F bath is utilized for an extraordinary therapeutic experience. Each visitor is pre-screened by the “bath master” to determine if such a bath would be safe and beneficial for them. The founder of Delight’s Hot Springs Resort kept a private and personal use therapy tub set at a consistent 116° F. For people at home I advise simply what is comfortable and normal for their routine bathing experience. Pregnant women have an extra sensitivity to the heat and need to read the section (below) that applies to them regarding baths.

We need to turn to the most alkaline minerals to increase alkalinity and obviously this starts with bicarbonate. Shifting the pH combined with heat is beneficial for cancer patients especially when cancer is near the periphery. “Give me a chance to create fever and I will cure any disease,” said Parmenides 2,000 years ago, because fever is one of the body’s own defensive and healing forces created and sustained for the deliberate purpose of restoring health. The high temperature speeds up metabolism, inhibits the growth of the invading viruses or bacteria, and literally burns the enemy.

The idea of destroying cancer with heat is certainly not new and has been widely accepted for a very long time, but the practice has had very limited applications since it was finally determined that, in order to ensure destruction of the cancerous cells, it is necessary to reach a temperature deadly to healthy cells as well. Many attempts have been made to bypass this problem and some methodologies have been developed like: localized hyperthermia, laserthermia, radio-fractionated and hyperthermia. But they all have limitations and cannot complete the job because they cannot achieve total necrosis and, unless the entire mass of neoplastic tissue is destroyed, the cancer will continue to grow. But…

Hyperthermia gives cancer a hard time by:

  1. Removing accumulations of stored toxic chemicals that cause cancer.
  2. Improving circulation so that tissues are both nourished with oxygen and flushed of acidic metabolic wastes.
  3. Weakening or even killing cancer cells that have a lower tolerance for heat than healthy cells.