We Must Treat Mercury and other Heavy Metal Toxicities

“Mercury vapor from dental amalgam can penetrate any part of the body it wants. Mercury would rather be in fatty tissues, and that makes the brain a prime target. Plus, you can take it in through the axonal nerves… from the nasal cavity up into the brain. And if you breathe it, it gets into the body and it travels, basically penetrating every cell or any membrane,” said Dr. Haley.

Our exposure to general chemical toxins in the environment is only getting worse, Our world has never been as toxic as it is today and it will be even more toxic next year and the year after that. Thus there is a need for detoxification protocols that increase daily elimination for healthy people as well as chelation protocols for adults and children who have been devastated with mercury and other chemical poisoning.

Dr. Garry Gordon, a leader in the field of chelation says, “No one on planet earth is operating at optimal levels without doing something about the toxic metals. Thus the conclusion I draw is that chelation appears to be a lifetime necessity for all. There is no chelation that can dent the lead levels of bones unless continued for at least seven years (bone turnover time).”[1]

Chelation has been shown to be effective at removing plutonium from the most carcinogenic locations in the skeleton, such as on bone surfaces near living cells.[2]

Dr. Jaquelyn McCandless says, “Oral agents, especially DMSA, can encourage yeast overgrowth.” When chelating people with a heavy-metal burden, particularly when they are young children or very elderly or have cancer or other chronic diseases, it is best to mobilize and eliminate metals gently, slower rather than faster, so that the body can reabsorb less and avoid flooding the body with toxic metals that cause further oxidative stress due to their free-radical activity.


Metal chelation is a complex and serious matter. It is a fact that you can end up in worse health after chelation than when you started if you are not well informed and do not proceed carefully. Synthetic chelators can be used by competent doctors but their dangers are ever-present. Some of the more aggressive chelation procedures are appropriate in the cases of acute toxic exposure but even with stage-four cancers or imminent threat of heart attack or stroke, it is probably best to use gentle approaches whenever possible. NBMI would be gentle but aggressive at the same time.

Mortality from cancer was reduced 90% during an 18-year follow-up of 59 patients treated with calcium-EDTA. Only one of 59 treated patients (1.7% ) died of cancer while 30 of 172 non-treated control subjects (17.6%) died of cancer (P=0.002).[3]-Dr. Walter Blumer

Using synthetic drugs with their own toxic side effects is not the best way to chelate.[4undefined] Even EDTA, which is much less toxic than DMPS and DMSA, may not be appropriate for treating low-level lead exposures because it can be toxic in that it increases excretion of some essential metals. EDTA produces substantial diuresis of zinc and a temporary 30-40 percent decrease in plasma zinc.[5]

Dr. George Georgiou says, “Many health practitioners use synthetic chelating agents such as DMPS, DMSA, EDTA and others to mobilize and eliminate heavy metals from the body. There are advantages and disadvantages to using these. One advantage is the power of their mobilizing activity—they are quick to mobilize and eliminate certain metals in the body, but this may place a huge burden on the body’s detoxification systems. Further symptoms have been reported by natural medical physicians throughout the U.S., such as intractable seizures in pediatric patients and multiple sclerosis in adult patients due to taking high doses of DMSA over extended periods of time. These are valid reasons to be at least cautious in the use of DMSA for the treatment of mercury-toxic pediatric patients. The fragile brains and nervous systems of children with autism, PDD and seizure disorders should be handled with considerable care so as not to increase the damage.”

Mercury can also be bound to sulfhydryl groupsin garlic or to sulfur in the form of organic sulfur (MSM).

Before I introduce Dr. Haley’s relatively new chelator NBMI (also called OSR, Irminix and Emeramide) as the best and safest choice of chelator products, I do not recommend anyone enter chelation therapy independent from a complete protocol that supports chelation and detoxification. In that regard magnesium, selenium, sulfur, iodine, bicarbonates, zinc and even edible clay should be employed to ready the body for serious heavy metal chelation.

As you will read further below, as one prepares and readies the body for serious chelation I recommend a lighter form of chelation provided by Dr. George Georgiou’s HMD, which relies on chlorella and cilantro. Without doubt, if your digestive tract is not working well, especially with poor motility or constipation, fix this first with the above protocol and add a good probiotic in for good measure.

[1] http://www.gordonresearch.com/answers/chlorella_and_cilantro.html

[2] Radiat Res. 1986 Sep;107(3):296-306. Reducing the cancer risk of 239Pu by chelation therapy. Jones CW, Mays CW, Taylor GN, Lloyd RD, Packer SM.


[3] Journal of Advancement in Medicine Volume 2, Numbers 1/2, Spring/Summer 1989 Ninety Percent Reduction in Cancer Mortality after Chelation Therapy with EDTA. Walter Blumer, M.D. and Elmer Cranton, M.D.

[4] The earliest types of chelation involved synthetic agents such as BAL, penicillamine and EDTA administered intravenously for acute toxic metal poisoning. Subsequently, DMSA and DMPS were utilized, first intravenously and later orally and now even transdermally. Chelation therapy provides a relatively safe, effective, and inexpensive alternative to the drugs and surgery often used for circulatory disorders such as coronary heart disease, carotid (neck artery) stenosis (blockage), and leg artery stenosis (blockage). Chelation is a process by which toxic substances in the body, particularly heavy metals can be excreted safely. However, numerous negative side effects are associated with each of these chelators (with the exception of EDTA which is ‘relatively’ safe) including allergic reactions involving the skin and mucous membranes (itching, exanthema or rash), as well as occasional cases of Stevens-Johnson Syndrome or erythema exudative multiforme (11). Other side effects include nausea, headache, muscle aching, changes in taste, severe malaise, dizziness, numbness, insomnia, diarrhea, weight loss, extreme fatigue, leg cramps, cardiac arrhythmia, liver and kidney damage, abdominal pain, anxiety, severe restlessness, mental changes, tremors, inability to concentrate, poor memory, impaired equilibrium, chemical sensitivities and tinnitus (12). Studies have shown up to 30% of patients have severe negative side effects as a result of these synthetic chelating agents, which may develop after a single dose. For warnings against DMPS all one has to do is go to the DMPS Backfire website.

[5]R. A. Goyer, M. G. Cherian, M. M. Jones, and J. R. Reigart. Role of Chelating Agents for Prevention, Intervention, and Treatment of Exposures to Toxic Metals. Environmental Health Perspectives Volume 103, Number 11, November 1995